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Women ignore me

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Hello im a 20 year old male that attends a heavily populated university. Im starting to get the impression that women ignore me like im not even visible. Girls dont talk to me or even look at me. Now im not saying that i want a girl to make a first move on me or ask me out first. Im just frustrated that girls dont even give me any minor sign of interest like a smile or eye contact, just any thing that is a clue that they like me. Why is that? I am a shy person but not abnormaly shy or awkward. I dress well and take pride in my appearance so what is wrong here. Your thoughts and opinions will be appreciated.


Maybe im just but ugly? Here is my facebook linkhttp://http://www.facebook.com/bryan.bobadilla?success=1

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Hello im a 20 year old male that attends a heavily populated university. Im starting to get the impression that women ignore me like im not even visible. Girls dont talk to me or even look at me. Now im not saying that i want a girl to make a first move on me or ask me out first. Im just frustrated that girls dont even give me any minor sign of interest like a smile or eye contact, just any thing that is a clue that they like me. Why is that? I am a shy person but not abnormaly shy or awkward. I dress well and take pride in my appearance so what is wrong here. Your thoughts and opinions will be appreciated.


Maybe im just but ugly? Here is my facebook linkhttp://http://www.facebook.com/bryan.bobadilla?success=1


Uh it says no such page is found.

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Talk to the girls. Remember, they are just as scared as you are. Sitting in the corner wishing for signs is going to keep you in the dark for the rest of your life.


Talk to them, then start to pick up on their body languages. If she touches your arm, you are good to go. If she maces you, not so good and move on to the next.


You may not like it, but if you want a woman, the man has to make the first move 100% of the time. Stop being scared of rejection and just talk.

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Do you have any more pics? you look kind of sad in this photo. From what I see I don't think you're ugly at all. What bothers me is that you look unhappy which could turn off women if you look that way on a daily basis.


You have to get them to notice you. I understand you're the shy type and so was my brother when he was your age. To help break the shyness he said he practiced on talking to women he had zero interest in dating (I know it's mean lol). It didn't matter if he was rejected or not. He knew he had to get comfortable with talking to women period.


I was able to give him some tips on his approach and wardrobe which was also important. Maybe a honest friend with successful experiences on dating can help you out also?


Confidence whether the man was attractive or not is very sexy and appealing. Even if you don't feel confidant ACT like you are, just talk with a smile and with interest.


Also try to research online on how to approach women and get their attention. Don't take all the advice seriously (not all are experts) and be selective in what you read. I heard AskMen.com is pretty good on advice. I hope what I mentioned was helpful!


Be optimistic!

Edited by Kcelleste
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Up until recently, I thought so, too.


However, today I went to the bank, and there was this hot brunette (awesome sexy figure, short dress, high heels, etc) filling out a bank deposit slip. I red-faced walked next to her, pulled out a deposit slip, and started filling it out...without saying a word.


Then, when I walked up to the bank teller, I felt her eyes on me. I got my deposit made, and then awkwardly (because I was so nervous) tried to raise an issue with my bank password (I had locked myself out, and was worried I wouldn't be able to get back in.)


The bank teller was unhelpful, and kind of gave me a hard time. However, the woman who I thought was so sexy was in the next teller line by that time, and she told her to tell my teller to stop giving me such a hard time! :lol:


I should have gotten her number. I was just so nervous. Started a new medication for OCD, as I have mentioned, and am experiencing mind jitters.

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