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isn't it disturbing......

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Does anyone else find it disturbing how it seems girls younger and younger in age are being "intimate" with guys (and boys trading partners so frequently)? I mean what happen to morals and RESPECTING YOURSELF? I maybe crazy but it is just so sad to see the younger kids throwing their futures away and having babies at such a young age....am I the only one that thinks parents need to PARENT their children better and teach them better self respect??

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Some of these just rebel againsed there parents, and the parents cant seem to keep control over them.


Ive seen girls as young as 14/15/16 having kids, which i think is stupid.

Over here in the uk these are the sort of girls who have been 'dragged' up instead of 'brought' up by there parents.


Some young girls get pregnant so young so they can get on the property ladder to get home or a flat, which i think is wrong

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I agree completely!! If I see another "who's my baby's daddy??" show I think I'll shoot myself.


I know it's radical, but I really think that young girls should be on mandantory birthcontrol until parenting classes are taken and a test can be passed showing maturity/readiness for the responsibilities of parenting.


I know it will never happen and it's a violation if civil rights, ect. But think how much nicer society will be if children are planned and brought into realitivly stable environments. Most of the problem with children/teenagers today is that they have parent(s) who don't care enough(or don't want the responsility) to be parents. Let alone, GOOD parent(s).


Oh well, what can we do?!? :confused:

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There is something to be said for old fashioned morals. We've been so hell bent on becoming a liberal society....we often forget the ones we confuse.


I have a 14 year old daughter who asked me how she would know if she was 'bi' or not...... GOOD GAWD....at HER age all I had to figure out is how to talk my Dad into letting me DATE period!

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Originally posted by miz_barby

Does anyone else find it disturbing how it seems girls younger and younger in age are being "intimate" with guys (and boys trading partners so frequently)? I mean what happen to morals and RESPECTING YOURSELF? I maybe crazy but it is just so sad to see the younger kids throwing their futures away and having babies at such a young age....am I the only one that thinks parents need to PARENT their children better and teach them better self respect??


So far as the intimacy: Yes. I do agree it is disturbing. However, society changes, and it is actually quite natural for people to have their first sexual experiences at an earlier age. I lost my virginity at 15.


I do see a lot of younger people around here, aged 12 through 17, getting drunk and having sexy every Friday evening. They trade partners, and do not go about things as they ought to so far as contraception is concerned. Less than adequate parenting could play some issue, I suppose.


So far as having children at an early age: Sex is designed to make babies. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, people get pregnant. I think it is becoming more natural for younger people to explore intimacy, and some of them do practice safer sex properly. Whatever the ages involved, some people do get pregnant.


I'm seeing someone now who had a baby when she was 19, but not by choice. She did not want an abortion, and did not feel it was right to give him up for adoption. The father left, and she is just trying to do her best. She faces discrimination over this every day, with people assuming that she must be "stupid".


I don't think that every young mother should be treated so harshly. If these people are trying to get pregnant on purpose, however, I will agree that is pretty messed up, considering the ages you mentioned.

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I really think that young girls should be on mandantory birthcontrol until parenting classes are taken and a test can be passed showing maturity/readiness for the responsibilities of parenting.


I couldn't agree more.

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