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My husband thinks I'm wound too tight.


His most recent examples have been how often I jump now when, in our new place, a horn honks at the busy intersection (we live in a downtown area) or the sirens from the fire truck and the horn scare me.


He says I'm one of those "gotta go, gotta get it done now" people, I push and push and push until I get things going. I didn't think of that as a character flaw, but after analyzing my last few jobs, I'm beginning to think he's right.


I tend to burn myself out. I go go go until I crash. I noticed that on my first full time job, I pushed really hard during the day and then would come home and immediately crash on the sofa. There were even nights that I just slept, I didn't eat dinner. I get bent out of shape if things don't go according to plan, I don't know how to adjust.


Holy crap, is my husband right?? :eek:

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