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How to improve my Job and career if I'm a Bad speaker

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I"ve been always temping and i've never had a career even though i'm in my 30's now. I really don't know if it's ever gonna change cause every job wants people with great communication skills.


All jobs out there that want to hire , want people with great social skills. And outgoing and people who make jokes and yapp.


Some peplel say that some jobs don't need people to talk, oh com on. ALl of the jobs i've gone to want people who talk and are social. Even the computer IT jobs that i had a chance to work on. That' why they finally got rid of me cause i didn't fit in with how they were.


Even though i'm doing the lowest job that doesn't require talking, they still think i'm stupid cause i don't talk and i justt do my job.


What to do?

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It's never too late to become social and outgoing. I know that my age (19) is hardly supplementing my statement, but I remember when I was more quiet in my younger days.


In my experience, the most uncomfortable positions and settings have helped raise my confidence the most over the years. Putting yourself in social situations often will gradually help relieve anxiety or nervousness. Initially, of course, you will feel pressured and out of place, and quite frankly you won't be in a good mood because of it.


Allowing yourself to adjust to certain social settings is part of freeing yourself as a human and unlocking unlimited possibilities. Practice makes perfect, as they say. Is there any Toastmasters meetings in your area?


Asides from that, I'd say practice, A LOT. In front of the mirror, while showering, etc.


But you say that conversing and socializing isn't your shtick, eh? Well, it wasn't mine either, but I made it a point to myself to make it one by repetition and practice. I'm happier because of it.


You can do it, man.:cool:


Perhaps somebody can articulate this better than me.

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Where do you live, QG? If you are in the US, I recommend that you join your local Toastmasters club. You'll gain a lot of experience there in a non-threatening environment.

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