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is he still with her?

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i love him but....

my boy friendsbroke up with me on christmas night for his ex gf.... we kept in touch and were still friends after . and up 2 about a month ago they broke up so he says... and a week after we got back to gether. but since then there has been signs leading to my suspicion that they r still to gether.... like one night we were talking on the pone and he said my fiance. ( talking about the ex. and i asked him what did u say ..... and then he corrected him self and said my ex fiance..... and then . yesterday we went to his best friends baby shower. and his best friendsdad came up to me and introduced himself. and asked me my name . and i told him. and he said oh yes i rember u didnt i see u a couple of weeks ago. and i told him no....i ve never met him before..... then my boy friends .bestfriends lil sister and her friends was with me and him in the car . and me and him were flirting a bit and he looked at the friends li sister and she gave him the little shame shame finger..... and when driving bak home . the lil sister was wispering to her friends and said he likes white girls....... (((( my boy friend is pakistani. and me and his ex gf are both white with blonde hair.........)))))))) and she started wispering again and she said but he likes her better....... and im just worried i might loose him again.......im terrified of it...... he is my first love and i want to spend the rest of my life with him but i have to know if hes still with her....and on april 8th he is going to a 3 day party with 7 girls and 3 guys. wich also worries me cuz he even admitted he does stupid **** when hes drunk......... please help...............

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First of all, why aren't you going away with him and why is he going w/o you? To me, it sounds like something is wrong. You gave a few examples and the fact that people seem to be comparing and confusing you with other girls seems suspicious. How does he act towards you? How often are you two together?


Do you ever bring up these incidents with him? What does he say to justify everything?

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i love him but....
Originally posted by bittersweet

First of all, why aren't you going away with him and why is he going w/o you? To me, it sounds like something is wrong. You gave a few examples and the fact that people seem to be comparing and confusing you with other girls seems suspicious. How does he act towards you? How often are you two together?


Do you ever bring up these incidents with him? What does he say to justify everything?


i cant go with him my parents dont trust us byour selves yet cuz we just got back to gether and they know that we hav a sexual relation ship.......and hes going because he wants to get outta vegas for a few days....and the baby shower i went with him to was the first time we actualy spent time to gether since we got back to gether 3 weeks ago. because my parents finaly gave in....... but we talk every single nite.... and he admited to me the other day wen he was out with friends that his friends pade for a hooker behind his back to give him head. and i was col with that . it botherd me a lil but i was pissed about it...

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Did you say "a hooker gave him head?"

Let me make this easier for you and save you a lot of trouble- Is your b/f serious with you? Or, is he living the fast life and keeping you on the side? You will only get hurt from this. He will never change... not while he is with you. Do you mind me asking how old the two of you are? And, is he a good person or a trouble maker? I know I ask a lot but the answer you are looking for relies on so much more than what I know already.

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I know you must be so totally frustrated by this whole situation, but it sounds to me like you are hanging on to someone who might be wasting your time. Although, if you say he is taking you to his friends baby shower etc. I am not really sure where you guys are at. Does he tell you he loves you and cleared up any doubts you have about his ex-fiance? Also, you were seperated because he went back to her on the drop of a dime. Then when you wanted him back you were there for him. To him, it might seem like you dont respect yourself, or love him so much that he can get away with anything. Bottom line is, you are not going to be happy if you dont set some boundries for him. And the only way to know if he really loves you is if he is able to respect those boundries or if he bounces on you. If he is able to leave you again, you are wasting your time with him in the first place

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i love him but....
Originally posted by i love him but....

my boy friendsbroke up with me on christmas night for his ex gf.... we kept in touch and were still friends after . and up 2 about a month ago they broke up so he says... and a week after we got back to gether. but since then there has been signs leading to my suspicion that they r still to gether.... like one night we were talking on the pone and he said my fiance. ( talking about the ex. and i asked him what did u say ..... and then he corrected him self and said my ex fiance..... and then . yesterday we went to his best friends baby shower. and his best friendsdad came up to me and introduced himself. and asked me my name . and i told him. and he said oh yes i rember u didnt i see u a couple of weeks ago. and i told him no....i ve never met him before..... then my boy friends .bestfriends lil sister and her friends was with me and him in the car . and me and him were flirting a bit and he looked at the friends li sister and she gave him the little shame shame finger..... and when driving bak home . the lil sister was wispering to her friends and said he likes white girls....... (((( my boy friend is pakistani. and me and his ex gf are both white with blonde hair.........)))))))) and she started wispering again and she said but he likes her better....... and im just worried i might loose him again.......im terrified of it...... he is my first love and i want to spend the rest of my life with him but i have to know if hes still with her....and on april 8th he is going to a 3 day party with 7 girls and 3 guys. wich also worries me cuz he even admitted he does stupid **** when hes drunk......... please help............... pleaseee........................ help me!!!!!!!!!!

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