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Me and my ex are too close

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It started about 5yrs. ago. We were friends for about a year and then started dating. We dated for 4yrs, until one day she came to me saying she was confused. I added "confused about what?" She always gave me a different answer.


We are not from the same racial background. My parents absolutely loved her, but I could never meet and hang out with her folks. Our love was strong for one another, we are best friends and till this day, we still are.


She started seeing someone while we were in our ups and downs about the race issue. He is her same racial background, if you can call it that. He has met the folks and I guess all is fine and dandy. Every since the breakup we have talked almost everyday on the phone, I go and see her when he is at work or when he is with his friends. We talk everyday almost and it has been 5mos. since the break up. We also still kiss, not just a peck, but you know. We have also had sex a couple of times while she is dating this dude. I think he should know what's going on but I don't want to upset her by telling him.


Don't get me wrong I do not sit at the house waiting on her call, I go out with the boys all the time and meet alot of interesting women. I know I should let her go, but the booty call is so tempting whenever I am alone. Don't get me wrong, i love talking to her and listening to all the boring stuff she will say. That is what love is. I just want to know does anyone think this will go anywhere? Or should I quit talking to her and let her figure out I was a good friend? _ I mean she says it and also she says she loves me. We have never been a bitter couple, I can count on one hand, how many fights we have had and was not big fights at all.

So I am asking should I let her go or should I wait it out?




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Don't get me wrong, i love talking to her and listening to all the boring stuff she will say. That is what love is.


Is that really what YOU call love? (Rhetorical question)


I mean she says it and also she says she loves me.


If she really loved you she would not be with this other guy.


I just want to know does anyone think this will go anywhere?


No no one can really answer that question. But, if you keep on doing what you are doing. I say no.


We are not from the same racial background.


Doesn't matter where you come from. Love is Love.


I know I should let her go


There you go. You know the answer to your own question.

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