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Is this adorable or no

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my b/f does everything from me and buys me everything from dinner to a bottle of water...i feel like i do nothing in that sense...we have been together for 4 months so...


hes obessed with this picture and im going to go buy it for him, walk to the store with him after we bought it make it a pint for him to notice its not in the window hell be like oh no! then the next day when he is at work have his roomate open the door for me and leave it on his bed....cute??im not good at this romantic cute stuff i need advice..

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You already asked once...I said to buy the picture for him. You sure are unsure of yourself...and that's NOT GOOD.


I don't think your boyfriend's obsessive kindness is positive or healthy. It's great to be nice but his overdoing it will destroy the relationship over time. Let him know to cool his jets a bit. He seems like a very nice person but I'm sure his obsession with kissing your butt has a lot to do with insecurity.


It's a novelty for you now but one day you will grow sick of it. WARN HIM NOW!!!


I do think it is very kind of you to think about reciprocating in some way...but you will grow to resent being obligated to him and not knowing what to do.


THIS DUDE IS JUST PLAIN TOO NICE...and that can get nauseating after a bit.

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