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the infamous Emps

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the infamous Emps

ooooooh boy, I was eating out with my friend Lerks and I saw this incredibly hot girl looking at me from a booth across from where we were sitting. I told him "yo! that chick is looking at me! and she's mad hot!" and he goes "where?" so I point her out when she's not looking and he agrees that she is in fact very hot. So I nonchalantly walk over and introduced myself, we had started talking and she noticed I had doodled some graffiti on the inside of my wrist she asked me if I was into graff and we started talking about it. THEN MY COCKBLOCKING FRIEND COMES OVER AND SITS NEXT TO HER AND TRIES TO PLAY CASANOVA!!! So I excused myself said goodbye to the girl, whose name was Vanessa, and sat back at our table, I was so pissed I didn't even touch my food. I told Lerks I felt like decking him and he said and I quote "I noticed her first bro". HOW MESSED UP IS THAT!?! I'm not painting with him for a long time.





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what a jerk! she was checkin' you out, not him! anyway...



ooooooh boy, I was eating out with my friend Lerks and I saw this incredibly hot girl looking at me from a booth across from where we were sitting. I told him "yo! that chick is looking at me! and she's mad hot!" and he goes "where?" so I point her out when she's not looking and he agrees that she is in fact very hot. So I nonchalantly walk over and introduced myself, we had started talking and she noticed I had doodled some graffiti on the inside of my wrist she asked me if I was into graff and we started talking about it. THEN MY COCKBLOCKING FRIEND COMES OVER AND SITS NEXT TO HER AND TRIES TO PLAY CASANOVA!!! So I excused myself said goodbye to the girl, whose name was Vanessa, and sat back at our table, I was so pissed I didn't even touch my food. I told Lerks I felt like decking him and he said and I quote "I noticed her first bro". HOW MESSED UP IS THAT!?! I'm not painting with him for a long time.


paz, empskeeeeee

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Your friend Lerks is NO FRIEND AT ALL. You were wrong to leave the table. You should have pointed out his rudeness and asked for a few moments of privacy with your new friend.


Drop Lerks like a hot potato. He has no manners, no class, and seems sort of evil to me. He is NOT your friend. However, I do think if Vanessa had any brains or class, she would have seen what was going on and asked you not to go. Just because a girl looks HOT doesn't mean she has class.


It's people like Lerks who make the biggest Jerks!!!

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Hey Emps,


I'm sorry to hear about your friend breaking into your action. What a jerk! Isn't that one of the most basic of rules between guys?


I think you did the right thing in backing off but wish it had paid off for you with the girl stating her preference for you.


Don't give up; there's one out there for you.




I didn't see your Saturday reply (copied below) until just now or I would have tossed another line at you sooner.


Tell me Empski, how often does the word "sweet" get used to describe you? I imagine many other spices might do more suitably for you... red-hot pepper, for one???


As far as teasing, one can never have enough spice in one's life, I suppose.


Getting used to the feel of those shoes,




Now now taressa dear, you wouldnt tease a sweet East coast boy would you? hehehe Yeah it's that dangerous, but only on weekends...or whenever I have surplus ammounts of paint. Where else but New York can life be dangerous but fun at the same time? Oh and here, I bought you these shoes... ;) paz, EMPeror


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I don't understand people who sacrifice a friend for a stranger. My friends are always more important to me than some new guy that may seem intriguing at the time. He sounds like someone who would make a move on your steady girlfriend too.

Hey Emps, I'm sorry to hear about your friend breaking into your action. What a jerk! Isn't that one of the most basic of rules between guys? I think you did the right thing in backing off but wish it had paid off for you with the girl stating her preference for you. Don't give up; there's one out there for you. _________ I didn't see your Saturday reply (copied below) until just now or I would have tossed another line at you sooner. Tell me Empski, how often does the word "sweet" get used to describe you? I imagine many other spices might do more suitably for you... red-hot pepper, for one??? As far as teasing, one can never have enough spice in one's life, I suppose. Getting used to the feel of those shoes,



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