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Is a science degree even worth it?

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I'm currently in the last year of my bachelor of science. I always liked science the most out of all my subjects at school. I managed to get into the number 1 ranked university in this country and am pursuing a microbiology and immunology major. However lately I've been feeling a bit deflated. Is a science degree even worth anything? Is it possible to get a good career :S the government just announced huge funding cuts to medical research as well so I'm quite worried.


I've been a bit demotivated to study lately. I'm just so worried about the future. I don't want to wait tables once I graduate. All of my friends who didn't go to university and are working full time in call centers / supermarkets are bagging me out for "wasting my life" at university. I guess I can see where they are coming from. They have jobs and get to go out and have fun while I'm stuck at home studying and writing lab reports :mad:


Just in a bit of a depression atm about it all :(

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When you're 30 or 35, and those friends are still working in underpaid positions in the grocery or call industries...I bet they won't be harassing you then.


Yes, it is worth it. You may not find a job right away, but eventually you will. And even if the starting salary isn't as great as you would hope, a career in science will likely provide you with a lot more opportunity for quicker and more substantial increases in pay.



Besides, you're nearly done. I mean...you can SEE the finish line. There's no point in backing out now!

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education should not be about the money, it;s really sad how people think university=job.


education is about learning to be a better person. it helps you understand the world better etc... and no offense to anyone, but I really don't think the conversations you could have with a university graduates are of the same quality of that of a high school drop out... in most cases anyway, I know many university graduates and some PHD students who still think like a 4 year old

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Degree =/= job


I have a good degree from a good university... and no job.


If you are a science-ish major just get a BSN... Bachelor's of Science in Nursing. You will have a good degree AND a very good job, with almost unlimited potential as the demand for nurses increases. You can also go back after your BSN and become a Nurse Practitioner.


I am working on switching to Nursing. I think it will provide a much better lifetime outlook in regards to employment opportunities, future educational benefits, and I get to help people... nurses make a pretty decent sum of money too which doesn't hurt. :)

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Where I live, science degrees are in demand and will definitely give you a better income in the long run than call centres/ super markets.

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I am also working on a BS for Biology and Immunology. I'm thinking of switching or including a degree in Agriculture.


In the near future the money system will be abolished and your skills will be praised for their value to humanity. You will have no need for money.

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In the near future the money system will be abolished and your skills will be praised for their value to humanity. You will have no need for money.


Please remove your tin foil hat and join the rest of us in reality.


OP don't listen to your dumbass friends working at grocery stores. I didn't go to college and have a half decent office job at a bank, but I would never say a university degree is worthless. Unless it was art history or something like that. Even if you don't get a good research job right away just the fact you have a science degree will show employers that you are smart and can dedicate yourself to your work.

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All of my friends who didn't go to university and are working full time in call centers / supermarkets are bagging me out for "wasting my life" at university.




Do what you love, screw the rest.

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