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Im falling for a woman that has a very bad relationship with her boyfriend!!!

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I need help! Im currently falling a woman that has a boyfriend and they argue all the time. It hurts me so bad to see her upset like she is. She has ignored his text messages and calls and she doesnt want to talk to him until he appologizes for something he was pressuring her into and she didnt want to do it (They have been doing this for 4 days). She has told me that she wants to be with me but she still loves him because they have a history together and when they arnt fighting its a great relationship. Well over the past 3 days I have been slowly falling for her and she has been staying with me all hours of the night!!! I asked her what she wants to do and she told me she doesnt know. Her boyfriend text her yesturday and asked if she still wanted to be with him or not and she told him that she doesnt know and a little later last night she told me she wants to be with me!!! Today she says that she might try to work things out with him and that if they work out then she doesnt want me to be hurt but if they dont then shes coming right to me but she doesnt have hi hopes on working it out with him!!! well in the meantime I am falling for her and she told me that and my heart felt like it was taken right out of my chest!!! What do I do? Im hurting here but I want her to be happy!!! What should I tell her to do? I dont want her to hurt anymore and I dont want to be hurting anymore! what should she do and how should she go by doing it? Please help her and I!!!

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hi everybody please please reply for this post because i am also going through the same problem. But i want her to stay with me. . ..waiting for your valuable suggestions.

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Welcome to LS.


'Want' yourself to be happy. Her happiness is her business and not your concern at this time.


Right now you're an emotional 'fluffer' (that's a porn term), processing her toxins from her R and filtering things into roses and daisies and sunshine so she can face her BF looking for those good times again.


She's not serious relationship material or even healthy as a friend right now. Everything is about her. She might be good for some casual sex if that's your style.


You can choose to acknowledge your attraction and walk away. After a lifetime of this I would strongly suggest you do so. Back when I was your age, I had one who knew she had me string me along for nearly a decade, off and on. Grossly unhealthy. Later, I would learn that healthy women don't do such things. Hope you learn your lessons far more quickly.


'I find you very attractive and will be happy to get to know you better once you've concluded things with your BF'

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I agree with carhill. She's not very well at the moment, and you don't take things off unwell people. You're also unwell because of the situation, so wish her well, tell her you cannot have her staying at your place all the time, and move on.

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