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Does anybody else suck at nc when you have a child?

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Everyday I try nc and get sucked in with a little Conversation abiut our kid that quickly gets turned into other stuff.

I feel like every morning I wake up and say today I will make it thru with nc and by the afternoon comes around I'm saying I'll have to start over tomorrow.

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Really I feel the whole thing sucks when you have a kid and aren't together. Right now the biggest thing is my 3 year old telling me all about what daddy is doing. And I can't talk to my ex on the phone we just text, or there would be to much other conersation.

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Yeah my 3 year old has been asking me why I don't live with her anymore and why I was staying there again for a little bit.

I don't even know how to answer that.

I feel like I'm going to have to go nc at all unless it's abiut or kid. If the subject gets changed I guess I'll have to hang up or something.

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My husband and I are separating next month, when we both move. I am taking the kids.

I am going to try LC once we move. I want him back now, but that may change once I get away from him. My plan is to set up a computer in the kitchen so the kids and their father can do messenger whenever they want, and I won't be involved.

He does LC on me - barely talks to me, and even announced in MC 'well I am certainly not going to call you every day!' So this is all for me, but it's so weird with the kids. It's like not being a family.

How is it going?

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yea, I sucked at it... from time to time I would change conversations about our son to her and I. don't do it anymore though..

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yea, I sucked at it... from time to time I would change conversations about our son to her and I. don't do it anymore though..


I do this all the time now. Just pushing her further away and giving her more power but I can't stop myself even tho I know I shouldn't be doing it.

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