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Hi ya'll! I have a quick question can you tell me what would be good for "anxiety" someone very close to me is going through anxiety attacks...they have seen a doctor and even gone to therapy and have been taking medicince but nothing seems to help...it has gotten so much worse over the past week to the point where the person isn't sleeping...I have tried giving them herbal tea, herbal anti-anxiety pills, and obviously they have taken the medicine prescribed...does anyone have any suggestions about what can be done about such persistant anxiety and crippling thoughts and fear (about nothing in particular)??? Any suggestions would help.... :(

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If they've seen a doctor and been prescribed drugs and it's not working have them go to a different doctor! I'm not a medical professional, but it sounds like it might be a wee bit more that just simple anxiety...?

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Stupid as this question might sound, is there any one event that started the anxiety? Such as a failure in school, losing a job, a job interview that went wrong, a friend behaving really badly, a cheating/flirting boyfriend, a rejection in love, an embarassing or humiliating situation, anything at all?

did the anxiety attacks start all of a sudden? did they come out of nowhere? can they be traced back to anything that happened?

I'm asking because I used to suffer from *really* bad anxiety attacks. It happened twice, ad in both cases I could trace back to the causes, which helped a lot.

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What it sounds like isn't really an anxiety attack, it sounds, as someone else said, a bit more than that. Crippling thoughts and fears really takes it further.


Losing a job could indeed be the reason for this new...behavior or condition, whatever you want to call it, especially, as you said, if the person had the job for a long long time. Could result in feelings of inadequacy, or feelings of no control, not being able to provide for others, etc.


The herbal stuff, in a perfect world, would do the trick, but I don't have much faith in herbal stuff, it's more in the mind, I Think, almost like a placebo, not with EVERYTHING but with lots of it out there.


What kind of prescribed medicine is he/she on?

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he was prescribed Paxel which caused nothing but side affects, then he was given klonapin (not sure how to spell that) same thing...he just got more nervousness..then they prescribed him valium. Nothing seems to help........

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So he's seeing a psychiatrist. What about a psychologist?


Maybe drugs won't do the trick but talking thru his problems will?

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Sounds like he may be borderline schizophrenic. Has anyone been diagnosed that in his family. Those drugs he has tried usually do the work for anxiety, so it sounds as if something else is going on.

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actaully he has only been seing a family doctor...can u believe they never suggested seing a therapist......since all else has failed maybe that will work! thanks for your suggestions...we r getting ahold of a center as i type :)

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Sadly, I'm not saying this is the case, but a lot of times, doctors really take their patients big time. Think of how much money you've spent on medicine that didn't do a damn thing. And they never once suggested therapy. Ridiculous.

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So true..but nowadays everyone seems to be out to get what they can from their patients/clients or the public in general! Well since he has an appointment hopefully now once he begins therapy he will be able to get better. :o This is such a good site! I have never seen a site like this where you can ask for help about anything without feeling weird or embarassed! I hope they don't loose this place!! :cool:

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You need to see a competent psychiatrist - a medical doctor who is trained in the ways to properly medicate ailments of the mind. Family physicians receive some education in this, but are not experts and clearly your family doc is not an expert. Insist on a referral to a psychiatrist.

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