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it's all in your head, isn't it?!

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This may be obvious to the rest of the world, but it dawned on me recently that the actual choices that I make in life don't matter nearly as much as my attitude. I don't mean choices like go to college or not - certainly it's a good idea to go, if you can. I mean choices like this job or that job. If you're having trouble deciding between 'em, they must be pretty equally attractive, so just pick one and enjoy it!!


It comes as low as picking what to eat for lunch - some people will agonize for fifteen minutes, trying to decide if they want potatoes or pasta - geez, wdn't it be much more fun to just pick one at random and enjoy it? But noo, agonize for half an hour, pick potatoes, and once you've had a bite think 'oh no, i should've gone for pasta!'. :laugh:


Bottom line: It's more about enjoying what you've chosen to do, than making the absolutely best choices.


Anybody (dis)agree?


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Some people believe that every choice you make has already been made, long ago, you just have to realize why you chose what you did.


And NO, it's not just from the Matrix. It goes way beyond the movie(s).

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(Like the new avatar)


I don't believe that view at all, do you? I think every choice is made by ME ME ME ;) and I'm fully responsible for it. Condemned to choose, every step of the way.



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I don't like the idea of my choices having already been made, BUT, those who think they are, think that we ourselves chose the choices, no one else. Otherwise it wouldn't be choice, would it?


I dunno. I'm not big on fate but it's kinda hard to deny it sometimes.

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so when i have a decision to make, i really have already made the choice, it's just a matter of realizing it?


i dunna abt fate. i feel sometimes ppl are literally pushed by the whole world towards a certain path - but i think it's more b/c of what impact they have on the world coming back to them, than fate as some independent entity influencing them. do you know what i mean?



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I know what you mean, but what you said is a loose form of fate, y'know?


I dunno. Everything is either completely accidental or everything is planned. I don't think there can really be an in between, and if I have to go with a choice, I'll go with everything being planned. I may not like it, but I'll accept it.


It'd be nice to know where everything is going once in a while, but that might spoil the surprise.

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how about: it's been decided that you'll do X or Y but not anything else. you still have to choose X or Y. i think there is an inbetween.


btw, if everything's already decided, why do i have to go through the illusion of deciding myself? whaa!!



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Originally posted by yes

how about: it's been decided that you'll do X or Y but not anything else. you still have to choose X or Y. i think there is an inbetween.


btw, if everything's already decided, why do i have to go through the illusion of deciding myself? whaa!!





that way you can Blame fate for the bad choices You make in life.

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I don't think there are really any bad choices. There are choices with bad outcomes, but you will learn from those outcomes, will you not?

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yeah you learn....or you turn psycho and gun down all the mall walkers for clogging up the sales ateries!

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