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Please Help, read my story.... :(

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I have been in a relationship for about 3 years now. We have ups and downs. We are close, too close for comfort. she then tells me that she feels suffocated in the relationship but she doesn't want to leave me. I can't bear losing her either. i have grown to be possesive, tempermental about issues concerning her ex (since she is related to him for she has to get along with him. A decision i can't force her out of) I am the type to be clingy, needy and dependent of her.


Now with the new information i got from her i don't know how to go about it. My only suggestion is to give us space apart in which i hope i can ablidge with. I hate being lonely and i fear lonliness like death itself. The thought of not having her around is crazy for we are too close to let go and i can't let her go. So i'm trying to figure out why i am clingy and in need of her soooooo much. I can't accept the fact of not being with her. I have issues like jealousy and doubt always in my mind. I always think that she mite cheat on me or leave me when she has new ppl around her. I'm scared she won't remember i existed. She assured me until we got in a major fight that she won't. She just sed that lately i haven't made her happy and that she wants me to relax. So please, how can i overcome my insscurities? I am desperate for my relationship is the only thing i care about, not money, not family not even life. I know, abit drastic but i feel worthless without her. Please help!!!!

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concerning her ex (since she is related to him for she has to get along with him. A decision i can't force her out of)


You're saying that your girlfriend's ex is a relative of hers? What relation, please.


I hate being lonely and i fear lonliness like death itself.


I understand. But it is something you're going to have to deal with. Find things that you enjoy, that you can be happy doing alone. It seems like you're feeling that you need this girl just to breathe, but you don't. You should each have your own lives, and be a part of each other's. Are you sure that you even love her? It sounds more like obsession, to me.


I have issues like jealousy and doubt always in my mind. I always think that she mite cheat on me or leave me when she has new ppl around her


Has she cheated on you before? Trust is A HUGE part in relationships. This could be one of the many things you are doing to push her away. Think about this: you're completely faithful to her, and yet every time you see her she nags you to death about where you've been, what you've been doing. It would push you away, too! If you find that you can't trust her, maybe it would be best for the both of you to move on. You deserve to be with someone that has your trust, and she deserves to be trusted. But you're not going to listen to that, are you?


I am desperate for my relationship is the only thing i care about, not money, not family not even life. I know, abit drastic but i feel worthless without her.


That's not good at all! She can be a priority ranking above those things, but she isn't the ONLY thing. If she breaks up with you, you'll have to move on. Don't you dare feel like you aren't worth anything without her in your life. You were, before you met her, and you will be after her.


Do try to take some time away from this relationship and make sure that it's what you really want. If you aren't making her happy, but claim to love her, wouldn't you want what is best for her?


If it is what you want you need to address these things:


The jealousy, the lack of trust.

Your fear of being alone.


You seem like a good guy. I wish you well.



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