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Hey Taressa...LOOK!

the infamous Emps

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the infamous Emps

Wow Taressa, there is an insane amount of flirtation going on here...as for the word "sweet" being used to describe me, it's been used so much that I decided to make it my middle name. Anyway, It's ok because Lerks is my boy, he's just like hyper, and has A.D.D or something, I'll buy him some Ritalin. Saw Judy with Mike today, felt like puking. Gave her the evil eye, then I gave Mike the eviler eye. It's a good thing I was hanging out with Yearn, who I sometimes paint with, cuz she's hot and I most likely made Judy jealous. I know what your gonna say and no I can't hook up with Yearn, cuz she had a boyfriend. Enjoy the shoes, I have to go drink a glass of something cold, all of a sudden I feel warm and fuzzy. I wonder what it could be? ;)





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You're a lot of fun, Emps (Infamous Sweet Emps). You're also quite a friend to accept and forgive Lerks. I'm glad to hear you don't hold a grudge. Do they make an anti-viagra pill you could try in conjunction with Lerk's Ritalin? ;)


Wow - - you handled the Judy sighting very well! The "eviler eye" - - love it!!! Are you really okay?


Feeling warm and fuzzy? Hmmmm, what COULD that be?


Y'know, now that you mention it, it IS a little warm and... oh my...I DO feel a little fuzzy inside.... OH NO, I've got it too!


Have a good night, East Coast Empski.




Wow Taressa, there is an insane amount of flirtation going on here...as for the word "sweet" being used to describe me, it's been used so much that I decided to make it my middle name. Anyway, It's ok because Lerks is my boy, he's just like hyper, and has A.D.D or something, I'll buy him some Ritalin. Saw Judy with Mike today, felt like puking. Gave her the evil eye, then I gave Mike the eviler eye. It's a good thing I was hanging out with Yearn, who I sometimes paint with, cuz she's hot and I most likely made Judy jealous. I know what your gonna say and no I can't hook up with Yearn, cuz she had a boyfriend. Enjoy the shoes, I have to go drink a glass of something cold, all of a sudden I feel warm and fuzzy. I wonder what it could be? ;) paz emps
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the infamous Emps

You're also alot of fun babe, Yes I think I handled that sighting pretty well myself, seeing as how she did call me this morning...I told her I couldn't talk "I'm watching a video with Yearn" is what I said exactly hahahaha. She's probably a nice shade of green right now.


I'm just curious, how old are you?


Anyway, I'm mad hyped right now so I'm going to go buy some more graffiti videos.




that sweetie ;)



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Mmmmmm, I love it when I get a guy curious! ;)


Smooooooothe move with the Judemonster! I think you thwarted her evil plan to turn you into a sappy mushy pile of regret. You changed the rules to her game and it's not quite so fun to play anymore.


Graffiti videos as in instructional videos??? How does this work? What do you usually paint? Where do you usually paint?


Ah no, you asked THE question. To tell or not to tell... When people guess my age they guess 28 so I usually lie and say I'm 29. Truth is, my younger sister just turned 34 and I'm three years beyond that (can't bring myself to see the actual number in black & white).


Thanks for the fun (and that strange fuzzy fever thing too) this week. Keep that hype going and have fun this weekend, ISE, (Infamous Sweet Emps)... the ISE man.



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Signing off I saw your Snap Crackle Pop message....


You're a strong man, Emps, and a smart one too. Just guard your heart whatever your decision with Judy. The message you've sent so far is the right one - - that you're fine and happy without her. If she learns that and if she learns to treat you with respect things might work out between you... don't let her walk over that sweet heart of yours but don't slam the door on her until you're sure you want her gone.


No worry, Empski, I'll still enjoy wearing those shoes you sent.


Have a good weekend; I'll check in on you Monday.




PS Just curious... how much do your moods affect your graffiti? Just wondering what a man would paint when he's in a Judy predicament. :\


You'll be fine. Just keep your wits about you Emps.

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the infamous Emps

Well, when you're in a bad mood, you tend to paint with darker colors, in what I call a "Dungeons and Dragons" style, with crazy ass medieval type themes that are all dark and wrought with evil imagery. When youre in a good mood you paint bright colored stuff, happy stuff. It really reflects mood, or your overall personality. As for where I paint, I paint in New York, sometimes New Jersey. Getting anymore into it than that would really blow my spot (remember, graffiti IS illegal) and I usually paint at 3 or 4 in the morning, (cause thats when the cops are asleep in the squad cars drooling on a carton of donuts) I like to paint straight letter pieces that are easy to read, but I will occasionally bust out a wildstyle piece thats pleasing to the eye but not that legible. As for the graffiti videos, I buy them to see what other graffiti writers are up to, I recently got "Best of Graffiti TV 1,2 & 3" it's an awesome video.





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