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New relationship/Average/How long a Trial-Period before Letting Go

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Since I'm new to dating again and haven't had any serious or even close to serious relationships, I have no idea what 's an average "period" to hang in there and give someone a chance. I've just met someone I like but there's apprehensiion, and a little anxiety on both our parts, although there's a great deal of physical attraction and enough in common there, I think we're both just still being "cautious". The first few dates can be fun as well as a bit awkward because people are sometimes uptight until they feel they know someone better. I know there's no "real" average because everyone is an individual so it varies but if I could get a few responses to just check it generally--male and female. Just curious. Guys, do you think the woman gives up before the man, or do you think the men will up sooner? Ladies, what's your opinion?



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i think in general its usually the girls who give up sooner....just hang in there....he could be nervous....he might think you may not like him that way....it all depends on how much you like him....you say there is physical attraction between you....and you have alot in common....take it slow see what happens....if you like him alot....show him....and see how he reacts

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Minor apprehension and anxiety are OK, as long as they are the "good" kind. As in, "I hope I look good enough for him", not "I hope I don't nod off into my salad again because he's so borring".


I'll admit, I have felt the mild anxiety at times, but I wouldn't put up with it for more than about 10 minutes unless there was also substantial attraction of one sort or another.

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