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she changed her tune.....


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so a few months back i decided i got to stop complaining and put something on facebook about being happier, staying positive, etc. a girl i have referenced here made the comment to me she was doing the same.


she's always given me grief cuz i like star wars, and i give her a hard time about certain movies she likes.

the other day i posted a wall update along the lines of being positive. and she commented:

she thought of me the other day and laughed cuz she has magnetic letters on her fridge, she was making words with all of them. with the last few letters spelled out r2d2 and c3po.


i texted her and asked how she knew about them, she said she had r2d2 pajamas as a kid.

i told her i didn't hate the movie i give her grief about, and she said she already knew.


i know this is nothing, but was she making up something as a reason to say something, what are the odds of a non sci-fi fanatic coming up with the words r2d2 and c3po? Why would she say she hates something i like if she really doesn't? i want it to mean something.....

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Think of it like fishing: you cast your line out there and then start waiting for a fish to bite. And the occasional breeze or wave comes by and you think, "was that a hit?" You want every little tug on your line to mean something. But the fact is, when you get a hit, it's unmistakable, and you realize all that other stuff was just random movement.


This to me looks a bit like a wave splashing across your line. A little current in the water. It's not a fish. If you do try to set the hook, you'll just have to reel it back in and start over. And you risk a snag.

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