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It's been 2 days since my date stopped replying me after I threw messages that were demanding of him. We knew each other for 3 weeks plus now so its at a very early stage. I was at fault but he could have replied after repeated attempts from my side. My plan is to wait for 2 more days before dropping him a message. But what should i type in the message? "So are things over for us?" / "Can I know your decision regarding us?" / Or what else would be better and would save me some pride too?!

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If your messages were truly demanding and your behavior unreasonable, have you apologized?

It might help smooth things over.


Did you two decide you were a couple?

Or are you informally dating?

If it's the latter, don't contact him. His silence speaks for itself.

If it's the former, apologize and give it a couple of more days.


Either way, I'd refrain from sending the texts you propose. They can be interpreted as commanding as well. And that's just going to turn him off further.

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