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want her back

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hey, needed a bit of advice. broke up with my girlfriend 3 months ago. pretty sure she doesnt want me back, i do still want her. anyway, it's her 21st in a couple of weeks, i want to get her a present but not sure whether i should, ive had a lot of abuse from my friends that i even thought about it because she hasnt exactly been nice to me. i know a present wont get her back but could it stop any chance of me getting bk with her if she thinks im weak?...... i havnt spoke to her properly since we split, only in clubs when ive been drunk! theres so much i wana say, would a letter be a good idea?

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What is it with you guys that break up with us and expect us to have the same feelings for you after it.My ex did that and it felt like he ripped my heart out and shoved it down my throat.It came out of the blue with no warning.Sometimes I think it is the circumstances of how you broke up with them that makes them treat you bad. Do you get scared of a relationship and instead of working through it think it is easier to dump us? I have been posting on this and we went through the exact same thing,except I didn't get mad.Well I did,I slammed the door in his face and it did feel very good at the time.I guess I was mad for a few days and than things surfaced as to the reason.


As for getting her a gift,hmmm.....that's pretty risky.I think if my ex did it and I was still angry,I would milk it for all it's worth for the pain we are put through. If you were on a friendlier basis it might be OK.Maybe ask one of your common friends to find out what she really feels in her heart about the entire mess.Good luck and remember YOU were the one who dumped her.And sometimes this motto from a Cathy Bates movie rings true"Sometimes being a woman and a b****h is all we have to hold on to".I love that!!

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I would be very careful about trying to get her back. You made the mistake of letting her go. Now, don't take the risk of hurting her again. Plus, there may have been real reasons why you broke up. Three months is too much of a gap which means it isn't a lull, its a crevice. It is telling me there is two people out there that will be a better match for the both of you.

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