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Age difference - I'm a college freshman, she's in HS, 11th grade


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im a freshman in college and there is this girl that is still in school. matter of fact she is in 11th grade still. anyways im sure you know what im going to ask. is the age difference between us BAD?

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No, the age difference isn't bad at all. You're only problem is she may be a lot smarter than you...but that can be a good thing. Because of where the two of you are in life, you in college, her in high school, there may be a lot of things you have to work out in those terms. So many things happen differently when you're in college.

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Girls' thinking change from the age of 19-24.



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If you are over 21 stay with people at are over 21, if your younger then 21 stay with in a year to two years of each other.

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You might have an age gap with certain things. Though if you love each other and look past it, everything will smooth out.

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Originally posted by waterbaloon

im a freshman in college and there is this girl that is still in school. matter of fact she is in 11th grade still. anyways im sure you know what im going to ask. is the age difference between us BAD?


If you are age 18 or older, and this girl is under the age of 18, then any relationship between the both of you would be illegal in the United States. This would even include kissing in many instances. Do not go by those silly "age of consent" laws you see posted all over the internet: They are myths. Ask an attorney if you do not believe me.


If she is aged 18 or older you do not have anything to worry about in the age difference, but most 11th graders are not yet 18. I do not think that any women is worth going to prison over.


Criminal sexual misconduct is not cool.


No, the age difference doesn't matter too much as long as she is at least 16.


This is exactly the type of common misconception of the law which has landed a few of my friends in jail. A 16 year old, in any state in the United States, is not legally capable of consenting to any sexual act. Again, go and talk to an attorney about it. He'll tell you the same thing.


There is also that old 80's song "I'm only Seventeen", named for a reason.

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I looked up the age of consent law and in the United States it varies state from state. Hawaii and Idaho even go as young as 14. Most are 16 but there are some that are 18. It never hurts, though, to check with a lawyer. Better safe then sorry.

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Originally posted by priscilla

I looked up the age of consent law and in the United States it varies state from state. Hawaii and Idaho even go as young as 14. Most are 16 but there are some that are 18. It never hurts, though, to check with a lawyer. Better safe then sorry.


The main thing about "age of consent" laws is that in nearly every state they do not exist. If you have an awful lot of time on your hands, and access to a legal library, the term "age of consent" is not even defined in most states!


I do not know how these rumors of an age of consent started, or what sick individuals decided to post them on the internet. People are actually taking this information seriously and getting serious jail time for it. I unfortunately know a few of these such people.


To put it in the basic, safest terms: In the United States, a person is not legally capable of consenting to sexual acts unless he or she is 18 years of age, or older. If you have any doubt ask an attorney, or better yet write to your district attorney. Laws of sexual criminal misconduct, and such things associated with these laws, vary from state to state, city to city, and town to town.


To the best of my knowledge, however, based on legal publications, past cases that have appeared in court*, and the advice of two attorneys: You cannot be 18 years of age or older and be intimate with anyone younger than 18. Ever.


*Shown to me by a friend in law school, and one attorney.

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