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Women, If You were a Man, Would You Marry?

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it really depends on who's paying the mortgage, at the end of the day. I pay it (although my wife pays some of the bills), although the house is in both names... I spent thousands on the mortgage over the years and, if we were to split up and sell the house, I would only recoup 50%, because the other 50% would go to my wife...


In my household, we spend as much each month on gas and groceries (combined) as we spend on the mortgage.


So, if I pay the mortgage every month, and he pays for gas and groceries, is the house more "mine"? Should he expect to recoup on that gas and groceries? :p

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I hope you plan on using condoms when you're "moving on" to the next woman. You wouldn't want to catch a nasty rash, boils or warts down there. :sick:




Right back at ya slick


I'm sure you would look at a monogamous relationship differently if you were getting warts burned off of your penis.


I'm sure you would not put so much stock in a "monogamous relationship" when you're next in line to get warts burned off your junk

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In my household, we spend as much each month on gas and groceries (combined) as we spend on the mortgage.


So, if I pay the mortgage every month, and he pays for gas and groceries, is the house more "mine"? Should he expect to recoup on that gas and groceries? :p


unfortunately, he can't sell all the gas and groceries he paid for... :D


our monthly bill payments are less than half the mortgage payment... because we remortgaged a couple of times... but I don't mind really... it was only to say that it really depends on the financial situation...

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Right back at ya slick




I'm sure you would not put so much stock in a "monogamous relationship" when you're next in line to get warts burned off your junk


Do you have crotch crickets, Stone Cold?

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Do you have crotch crickets, Stone Cold?





lol.....interesting people on this board

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I can see #1 and #3. Number 2 is just silly. Women have far more opportunities than men and get treated way better being single.

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Kristi can't sleep

You are right OP, I am one of the rare women who can admit the truth.


Why should a man limit himself to sleeping with one woman? *Especially since its so easy to find tons of hotties to sleep with. The single guys I know - in their 30's like me - have no problem bringing home one piece of tail after the next... Oh, wait. I'm thinking about those guys from "twilight" I saw on TMZ... Well, its a little harder for a regular guy to find hot women, but once every few months with a different woman is better than the same one twice a week, thats for sure!


And $$$. You're right, women dont earn as much on the whole. And honestly, how expensive is it to spend every night in the clubs on hottie survelliance? Jeez, its like no one's ever heard of .50 drink night! And women - especially the beautiful ones - always get turned on and eager to hop into bed after she scores a .50 drink from a regular. Worst case scenario, you could get by spending $20-30 bucks a night, and its not like it'd be EVERY night, so what, $100 a week? $80? Plus, you could REALLY save by only taking them to a nice place for dinner when you KNOW your gonna get some, and whats that? Another $80? In the grand scheme, the lifestyle costs less than 10 grand a year which is LESS than the gap between incomes. Totally worth it.


And women with the "I do so much around here!" BS - b*tch, b*tch, b*tch. Merry maids cost $100 and worth every penny. They keep their mouths shut and the place is clean when you get home from work, because who wants to cook and clean after work??? Yeah, usually the wife does all that BS after work but their pay is squat so it's only right. Plus, most men can afford maid service & sex patrol at the clubs. And chinese food, pizza, wings and pay-per-view for when the guys come over.*Chump change.


Plus, I'll let you in on a little secret: women LOVE doing housework & then playing martyr... There is nothing, NOTHING i like more than reaching my hand into a crusty, fragrant sock I fished out of the trunk of our car after a fishing trip. Gets me in the mood to tell the truth. Oooo, and pre-treating skid marks before I bleach them.... God, I have to stop thinking about it or I'll jump the next man I see!! My husband has no idea of course. None of you do - its a secret we share among women.


Plus, if you have like a heart attack or something, like my husband did (38), he really didnt need someone there day and night - if anything, I probably irratated the living sh*t out of him yelling at the nurses if they were 2minutes late with the pain meds he'd been waiting for. I know one of his buddies would've been MORE than willing to take a few days off work... Well, it ended up being 6 months actually, but they could've taken shifts. If there's one thing I know about men, I know they are good with things like feeding, sponge-bathing and wiping another man's ass.


Also true - women's looks go down hill like a lead sled while men get hotter every year. losing their hair, whats left of it turning grey - God, makes me tingly just thinking about it - well, thinking about Sean Connery does. But it happens to regular guys too. I dont know any, but I'm sure they're out there. Nose hair, ear hair... The way their testes start to just ever so lightly brush their knees when they walk naked... YUM!


And young girls CAN, WILL and DO sleep with old guys just like you implied, so why be chained to some old bat your own age? Well, young girls will sleep with old men if the old man is RICH, but that's easy enough, especially if your single. Without some b*tch ragging on you to eat right and get check-ups night and day you can really focus on your career. So what if the sight of you makes their skin crawl and they have to use a mantra like "its almost over, almost over, almostover-almostover-almostover" till your finished? As long as you GET to do it, thats the important part!


The only drawback is the bribes - because they have to be REALLY good bribes - women are so shallow that way. Most young girls will only let your wrinkled, liver-spotted hands touch them if you marry them - so they can wait for you to die. If you have to pay her rent and buy her a car, so what? You saved a ton staying single. Ok, thats wrong - you didnt have the extra income and had a few extra expenses to lower yours, but QUALITY of life is what matters. *


Yeah, quality of life.



Marriage is win-win for the woman and lose-lose for the man for sure. Every one of your points is valid - we hate sex, so the idea of sleeping with one man forever is exciting to us. We make less money & all the cooking, cleaning, food shopping, laundry, taking out the trash, etc., BARELY covers the discrepency - why do you put up with us?*


Men can sleep with all the women they want - occasionaly anyway, why lock yourself in? Someone who listens to you, is in your corner, stays with you when things go bad and cares for you if you are ill is over-rated.*


Kids are a girl thing. Squeezing out the son that carries your family name on to the next generation is just another form of our control; our own family name disapearing never even crosses our minds because labor, diaper changing, raising them, etc was so much damn fun we dont think of anything else.*


And it's much more satisfying to buy a young girl to lay your shriveled penis on for a few minutes while you say "this never happened to me before" is WAY better than sitting next to some old hag who still sees you as a handsome strong young man.


And a man risks 1/2 his income gambling that the marriage will last, while those greedy biatches only stand to gain: they stay home with the kids or work some crappy, low pay job but if their husband up and leaves them, Wooo-Hooo! They get like *$300 a month after the man's done shuffling around his income - EVERY SINGLE MONTH!!! *Until the kids finish HS anyway. Party central for the woman I tell ya! On the one weekend a month the ex picks up little ex-Jr. anyways.


Yeah, for a man, marriage is for suckers. Thats why the really rich, super handsome guys who can have any woman they want never get married.


I'm with you 100%!! GO MEAT! I mean MEN! GO MEN!

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And it's much more satisfying to buy a young girl to lay your shriveled penis on for a few minutes while you say "this never happened to me before" is WAY better than sitting next to some old hag who still sees you as a handsome strong young man.


Your entire post gave me a chuckle ("go meat! lol), but this line in particular resonates so much :love:

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For me personally, this entire thread can be summed up in the fact (as any guy who is 'successful' by financial measures knows) that without great risks there are no great rewards...


As much as my wife may drag me through all kinds of tough times and test me over and over again... She also has given me all of the best times of my life.


I have been rewarded with a loyal, sweet, charming wife. 18 years later, I would do it all over again (OK, with my current level of knowledge I might try to change just some of the rules)...


Honestly if you would have caught me on one of the worst (married) days of the last 18 years, I would have probably said marriage is for the birds. But I can look at all the single / divorced guys around me and know that I am a lot happier than any of them. When I have conversations with them about their lives they set me straight pretty quick. “there’s nothing out there buddy.” “I wish I worked harder on my 1st marriage and made it work.” These are true statement from successful attractive divorced / single men. Even those that don't talk that way know there are many benefits to marriage and family.


There is something inside a man that is extremely satisfied when he has a great woman behind him. To support him, love him, be there for him, and see him for the masculine creature he is... Maturity comes in many forms (at 39 I feel I still have much maturing to do), but one thing I don't regret is marrying fairly young and having 5 kids with the love of my life. I hope I always have the maturity to always know that and feel that way no matter what.


If she leaves me and takes half, (as well as a large portion of my future income,) so what! That was the risk I took when I met and then married her.


Without the risk there is no corresponding reward!

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Since you seem to want to get married, but fear losing so much, I want to address the "bet half his total assets" claim.


I know a few men who owned a house prior to marriage, married a woman with a job, and divorced within a few years. In each case, there were no children, and the woman wanted out. These guys lost NOTHING in the divorce. Each walked with their separate acct, and the house was untouched (he kept the house, no buyout). She took "stuff" from the house that was purchased during the marriage, or things she brought into the marriage--and that's it.


Now, if my H and I split, there would be financial fallout. We have kids, joint property, EVERYTHING we own is "marital property" (we each had nothing going in). If we split things 50:50, he wouldn't be losing 50% of "his" assets--because they never were only "his". Just like they are not "hers". They are all "ours".


So I do not truly believe that most men risk losing 50% of their assets. The risks are not THAT high.


And the rewards, when you "win", are pretty high. The companionship, a parenting partner, the beautiful kids, the lifetime of memories, the health benefits....there is good reason that most men and women take the leap.


But you are right to be very selective when choosing a partner. Maybe talk to some older men in long, happy marriages, and ask their advice in selecting a mate :love:

In other words, as I said, in order to minimize the risk, I need to think like a woman and pursues a woman who has more money than me so she will bear as much financial burden and risk in the marriage.


I better start hitting on those engineering female students. Gotta invest for the future. :p


I can see #1 and #3. Number 2 is just silly. Women have far more opportunities than men and get treated way better being single.

Yea but you only have a window of ten years to feel like that and society looks down on promiscuous women.


On the other hand, boys will be boys forever.

Edited by musemaj11
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Kristi can't Sleep - You are my hero! Not only was your post SPOT ON but funny, too. I agree with everything you wrote.


Um, OP, I'm wondering if you're under the impression that women love the idea of having sex with just one man for the rest of their lives because, quite frankly, it's no more appealing to a woman than it is to a man. Women generally have the opportunity to have A LOT more causal sex than men - unless as other people have posted he's gorgeous and/or filthy rich - so wouldn't it be more of a sacrifice for the woman to be giving up all that free sex than your average man who gets lucky every once in a while?


And sorry women are visual, too. A man's looks DO matter. If our husbands let themselves go, we're just as apt to have our heads turned to more attractive options. Whether one acts on those desires is another issue.

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As a woman I have no desire to get married ever. I am not traditional, make plenty of money (more than my ex bf's). I actually financially supported my ex and I payed ALL the bills including his personal bills (dental, books for school etc).


Why would I want to be tied down to a guy when eventually a guy will cheat on me any ways? I gain NOTHING in marriage yet I have EVERYTHING being single; I have my sanity, myself, plenty of $ to do whatever I want. If I were to be married it would be harder for me to leave when I get played (which most guys usually do).


I would rather be HOMELESS and SLEEP ON THE STREET than accept ONE PENNY from a guy. Actually my ex never spent money on me; no dinners or anything; I don't care about that nonsense at all. I don't need anything from a man and I feel marriage is outdated and old fashioned. I am not traditional.


I spit on the thought of taking a guy's money if he has cheated on me; I would rather slit my wrist. Besides, I never dated a guy who made more than me anyways.

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There is nothing I as a woman would gain from marriage. I have plenty of my own money; I am super independent. I don't want kids. I am solitary and extremely introverted and enjoy being alone. Why would I want to be married? I don't like to take care of anyone and I make enough money to hire Merry Maids for myself (I would never cook and clean up after a guy). Why when I make enough to hire a maid?


Marriage is a trap because the guy will eventually get sick of you and cheat no matter how hot you are. It's for foolish people who believe in happy endings and fairy tales.

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In other words, as I said, in order to minimize the risk, I need to think like a woman and pursues a woman who has more money than me so she will bear as much financial burden and risk in the marriage..


If you are primarily concerned with protecting your finances, I guess so.


If you are primarily concerned with having a rewarding relationship, you might have different criteria when choosing a spouse.

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When I read J200's posts I think I have finally found somebody as cynical as me.


Nah, nobody's as cynical as you! ;)

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When I read J200's posts I think I have finally found somebody as cynical as me.


No you are more cynical because you already are married with a wife who loves you but you are still worried about how these women at your work hate men and cheat or how other women on other message boards are cheaters etc.


I was never like that even in my last relationship. I am only cynical now, after the fact.

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Um, OP, I'm wondering if you're under the impression that women love the idea of having sex with just one man for the rest of their lives because, quite frankly, it's no more appealing to a woman than it is to a man.


It appeals to some of us. I suspect it appeals to some men, too.


I liked this blog post by Athol Kay about Why Monogamy Rocks! for men :)

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My reason for cynicism is that I have a really hard time believing women sustain attraction to a husband over a long period. I would like to ask the married women in here if they would marry their husbands if they could do it all over again. I don't want to be the man on the receiving end of these kinds of feelings and from what I witness it seems that this is where most marriages end up.

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My reason for cynicism is that I have a really hard time believing women sustain attraction to a husband over a long period. I would like to ask the married women in here if they would marry their husbands if they could do it all over again. I don't want to be the man on the receiving end of these kinds of feelings and from what I witness it seems that this is where most marriages end up.


Extenuating circumstances prevail in my situation.


Quite frankly an annulment might be nice.


I only completely lost my attraction a couple of weeks ago, believe it or not.

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Extenuating circumstances prevail in my situation.


Quite frankly an annulment might be nice.


I only completely lost my attraction a couple of weeks ago, believe it or not.


You have good reason but for the women with faithful and loving husbands would they do it again?

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I can't believe I'm entertaining this. You sound like the equivalent to a misandrous woman. You must really hate women.


1) By marrying, he takes on the risk that there is 50-50 chance he is going to lose half of his wealth in the future.


A: If I were a man, I'd want to be earning my wealth specifically for some wonderful woman someday. As a man, I'd want to take care of her and I wouldn't stop until I found her. I would give 100% of my wealth to her.


2) By marrying, he restricts himself to having sex with only one woman for the rest of his life in a world where a man has complete sexual freedom.


A: As a man, I'd view sex no differently than I do as a woman and the thought of sex with more than one person gives me the heebie jeebies. It risks STD's, Aids, pregnancy and just the thought of being with tons of different people is frankly... Gross.


3) Since in nearly all marriages the man is richer and the woman is more beautiful, by marrying, a man agrees to enter a disadvantageous long term deal in which chances are his financial value will only rise overtime while her physical value will only steadily decline. In other words, marriage is good investment for the woman and poor investment for the man.


A: If I were a man, I would only view my woman as even more beautiful than the first day I met her. Even if I didn't, it's not about looks. That's child's play. If I were a man, I would be an adult about how I view the world and I wouldn't be out for just looks.

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I can't believe I'm entertaining this. You sound like the equivalent to a misandrous woman. You must really hate women.


1) By marrying, he takes on the risk that there is 50-50 chance he is going to lose half of his wealth in the future.


A: If I were a man, I'd want to be earning my wealth specifically for some wonderful woman someday. As a man, I'd want to take care of her and I wouldn't stop until I found her. I would give 100% of my wealth to her.


2) By marrying, he restricts himself to having sex with only one woman for the rest of his life in a world where a man has complete sexual freedom.


A: As a man, I'd view sex no differently than I do as a woman and the thought of sex with more than one person gives me the heebie jeebies. It risks STD's, Aids, pregnancy and just the thought of being with tons of different people is frankly... Gross.


3) Since in nearly all marriages the man is richer and the woman is more beautiful, by marrying, a man agrees to enter a disadvantageous long term deal in which chances are his financial value will only rise overtime while her physical value will only steadily decline. In other words, marriage is good investment for the woman and poor investment for the man.


A: If I were a man, I would only view my woman as even more beautiful than the first day I met her. Even if I didn't, it's not about looks. That's child's play. If I were a man, I would be an adult about how I view the world and I wouldn't be out for just looks.

Lol, thank you for the comedy.


I said what would you do if you were a man, not what you would like a man to do. Doesnt seem like you understood the question fully. :laugh:

Edited by musemaj11
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If you are primarily concerned with protecting your finances, I guess so.


If you are primarily concerned with having a rewarding relationship, you might have different criteria when choosing a spouse.

What? Nearly all women marry men wealthier than them. Are you saying they are all not looking for a rewarding relationship? Chances are even your own husband had more money than you when you married him.


It seems to me that women are fine when women are judging men by his net worth yet find it icky when men are using the same standard.


Without the risk there is no corresponding reward!
Im not gonna play a game when the odds are against me. Edited by musemaj11
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