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married woman


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Hey everyone,


I need a little advice. I think I already know the answer, but I


just want to hear it from you.


I have a HUGE crush on this girl I work with. We do so much together


like go out for movies, play pool, have really nice dinners, and talk on


the phone all the time. We flirt all the time a work, bumping into each


other, always touching each other etc. There are a few people at work


think we are getting a little too friendly.


Anyway, the problem is that she is married. I don't want to be a


"home breaker" and I have no intentions of trying to break up there


marriage. So, my question is should I tell her about my feelings toward


her? This is really eating me up inside. What should I do?


Thanks for your time,



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Well, you could tell her but this may put a strange crimp in your friendship. Above all else, you CANNOT act on these impulses, even if she starts to reciprocate. Keep things friendly and convince YOURSELF first that you can keep your groin in check. You are an adult here and you have to act as such. Maybe she doesn't realize how this affects you because she sees nothing in it, being married and all. Perhaps she can help avoid these ambiguous signals and maintain platonic status.

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hi dear :


my advize to you not to tell her any thing


about your feelings becous i think you wll not be hapy if she brouk up with her hasband so keep your feelings hiddin inside your hart stp


any further asisstance plz dont hizitate to post me


best regards

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