tattoomytoe Posted April 7, 2004 Share Posted April 7, 2004 any users of astrology or persons who believe it? Link to post Share on other sites
jane00 Posted April 8, 2004 Share Posted April 8, 2004 I believe in astrology; however, I am not an expert. I do attend a spiritualist church, and continue to research the various beliefs and customs (which include astrology). Link to post Share on other sites
dyermaker Posted April 8, 2004 Share Posted April 8, 2004 I don't believe that random patterns of visible space rocks have any effect on our lives, nor can offer any insight to them. Additionally, I can't see constellations until the pattern is superimposed over the afforementioned rocks. Link to post Share on other sites
Papillon Posted April 19, 2004 Share Posted April 19, 2004 I believe in the order of things on a scientific, particle level. In other words, if I fart over here, it affects you on the other side of the world in an inifinitesimally small way (the shifting mass of the gas and it's minute gravitational effect on you, you see). I know that's a silly example, but when you get down to it, it's the truth (at least, hypothetically). Thus...does the position of the stars and moon and planets affect us? Sure they do! They must, there is no other way! They affect us when and where we're born, and through every day of our lives. But can we quantify HOW and HOW MUCH they affect us? No, and anyone who claims that they can is a charlatan. That is the nature of astrology, to dogmatically quantify the unquantifiable. It's horses***. In an ironic way, astrology is pure bad science. EDIT: I just noticed I'm a senior member... But I'm only 27.... Link to post Share on other sites
Pyrannaste Posted April 19, 2004 Share Posted April 19, 2004 I'm a capricorn so I don't believe in astrology. (just kidding) I know quite a lot about astrology but I am somewhat a skeptical believer. I shamelessly admit that I studied some astrology mainly to have a good conversation topic at hand at parties. I actually noticed that most people I know have a lot in common with what they are supposed to be according to their star signs. My natal chart (star sign + ascendant + position of planets) describes me pretty well, even if not in a so accurate way. I find that annoying. There is one part of me that thinks that one of the main reasons why people match the description of their star sign is... plain autosuggestion. Also, although I might give some credit to astrology influencing personality, and to the theory that certain star signs match, I don't believe planets can affect the future. Unless, of course, one of them was about to collide with Earth and provoke mass extintions and increased global warming. BTW, my sign is not capricorn. I'm a Pisces. But Pisces are supposed to *believe* in astrology, and it would have spoiled the (bad)joke. I've also just proved that Pisces have fantasy and tend to tell lies just for the fun of it Link to post Share on other sites
katy_katt Posted April 28, 2004 Share Posted April 28, 2004 Ooh, I like this debate! I've never seen this forum before and now I'm happy. I wanted to be an astrologer when I was younger so I studied up on it a lot. Obviously, I believe it and it's funny when you know the qualities of various signs, to see people acting a certain way. I'm your typical wishy-washy narcissistic Libra who wants everyone to like them. I'm also able to give good relationship advice based on knowing the persons' signs, and able to predict other people's behaviors (ie: ex was a Taurus - stubborn, prone to jealousy and laziness...I shoulda known better! New bf - Libra, same as me but we balance each other out in a lot of areas so nicely there's not much problem) Daily and even monthly horoscopes...not so much. But...the basic qualities of each sign aren't sufficient enough and yes, the area in which you were born and the position of things in the universe do come into play, although I don't think it's confined to just our solar system...that's just all we know at the moment. Could talk about this more but I want to see what others have to say. Link to post Share on other sites
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