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My Fiance is lying

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My fiance has been gone for two weeks now for training. I realize this is very important for us but he's been lying about who he's with and ingnores all of my phone calls and doesn't return them till the next day. When I go to check his records it shows him checking my voice mail and other women calling at 1:00 a.m. I'm sick of this, and I'm sick of him. What should I do?

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who did he say he was with?

Confront him. do the other women's phone numbers appear in his record?

if any explanation he might give you is not satisfying enough, you might consider calling them and asking them what is going on.

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Originally posted by confused1981

My fiance has been gone for two weeks now for training. I realize this is very important for us but he's been lying about who he's with and ingnores all of my phone calls and doesn't return them till the next day. When I go to check his records it shows him checking my voice mail and other women calling at 1:00 a.m. I'm sick of this, and I'm sick of him. What should I do?


Does he have your phone? If he does, he's really stupid to be doing this. If you made a typo, and you accessed HIS cell phone/voice mail, GOOD for you!


I think you are with a liar, and you know it. I DON'T think this is good, and I know from first hand experience, it will NOT go away or stop. You staying with him after knowing he plays the field is condoning his actions.

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I agree with the above posters. I would definitely not follow through with the marriage, at the very least don't do it before you confront him.


:( I'm sorry. He'll probably deny anything you ask/tell him. If you think there's something going on, well, there probably is. Trust your gut, ok? Good luck.



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I would cancel/post pone the wedding until this is either resolved or ended.... Wow is that seriously bad form on his part!

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Take it from a male....he's cheating....dump him and find the one you're SUPPOSED to be with.....

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