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Past Relationship Controlling Current One


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I’m curious to hear from others who have been in my similar situation. I ended a 5 year relationship about 9 months ago. It was a tough decision but I realized I wasn’t going to stay somewhere when I wasn’t 100% happy. Little by little, my ex and I kind of drifted apart over time and I saw we didn’t have a lot of in common and we were at different places in life (he was 10 years older than me) and decided to not drag it any longer and to end things. I’ve been with my new boyfriend for 8 or so months now. We hit it off right away and I started feeling with him what I had been missing with the other. Common ground, at the same place in life, similarities in many different aspects, good communication, etc. I am so scared this relationship will end up how my last one did where we both kind of drifted and fell apart. In my last relationship, I never lived with my ex but was at his house very often. I got so bored with him and how he took me for granted and that is tainting me this time around. I do NOT want this relationship to end up like my other and I just want to stop anything bad that ever may happen before it gets to that point where I was at beforehand. Any suggestions? I hate to let my past negative experiences control my future. I’m trying to be optimistic and realize these are 2 completely different people and it’s not fair to my new boyfriend. Has anyone else experienced this? I DO NOT want a repeat of a past failure.

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