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o.k. now that i have your attention this is my problem:how does one STOP being so DARN sensitive? i can't take it anymore. i am so tired of always having my feelings hurt, real or imagined, feeling that something said is directed or intended at me, crying from an imagined insult, that wasn't even an insult, someone saying something stern or aggressive, or assertive, feeling rejected cause someone says no!, feeling so sad watching certain t.v. shows, or even commercials. have you seen the commercial with the crying iron? he is crying because they now use downy wrinkle eliminator, i feel so sad for that iron i want to hold him! can you believe that! sadly to say my daughter 20 is following my lead. i got in a arguement yesterday with my boyfriend cause i asked him something and he answered me in a sarcastic way, not intending to be sarcastic towards me, but towards the subject, which was some guy at his work. i took his sarcasim as a personal attack. yuk! i am so tired of being so mushy and so soft it is driving me crazy! ! ! i have always been this waay that i know of, it just has never been so noticeable or i never had somewhat call it to my attention before, so now i have been watching myself and sure enough thisis a problem. i would have more concern and feelings towards animals then to people, is that normal too? what can one do to be (((tough)))? ? ? thanks, maggie

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It is extremely narcisistic and self-centered to hold the belief that everything negative is directed straight at you.


It is also irrational to allow others opinions or percieved opinions or actions hold you emotionally hostage. Your responses to words or actions of other people are decisions that YOU make. You choose to be upset and affected by the actions or remarks of others.


Put up a large picture of the Universe somewhere in your home. Each time you begin to get down because of what some person said or did, look at the picture...the planets and millions of stars throughout the galaxies...and ask yourself just how important all this is.


You are overreacting to life. It is NOT permanent and most of what is said or done to us today is ancient history tomorrow.


If you continue to allow other people to have such great power over you and how you feel, you are not living your own life. You are living your life for others. Take control of yourself today. Life has a way of stomping all over the weak and crushing them to death. You can make this decision today or you can continue to be hurt.


There are also classes and workshops in self esteem, assertiveness, and other qualities you could use some work on. Find out where they are held in your town. If you can't find them, go to the self help section of a good bookstore, find books on those subjects, and read up.


See a doctor and get checked to see if you are suffering from some sort of clinical depression or other malady. This could cause a lot of the problems you are having.


Your sensitivity is obviously not serving you well at all. Perhaps you used it as a manipulative tool when you were very young and got good results. As an adult, you aren't getting the positive results you used to get. Give it up!!!

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