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call backs?


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had 2 dates w/ somebody over the past 2 weeks. both dates seemed to go very well. we've had some phone calls in between and usually one of us calls the other back that night or within a day. i got a call after the last date and i called back & we chatted for a bit but she was busy w/ something else so i suggested maybe she'd want to call me back when she was done. that was 2 days ago. this is still real new so should i just say f it and move on if i don't get a call or is a call in order to see what's going on? how do you make a call like that without sounding desperate?

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It's still too new to worry about her calling or not calling. I'd just call her when you're ready to set up the next date and see what happens. Don't get in too much of a rush to do things, though. Take it at a slow, easy pace.

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The anticipation is incredible, but I would just wait it out. Do like Amerikajin suggested, and wait to do the calling when the next date is to be set up. A couple of weeks is still very early on in all of this. You'll know whether she's hot or cold when you go to set the date up.

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I'm in the same boat. We talk every few days and IM each other in between. She hints she wants to go to certain places\do certain things w\me, but is rarely available when I ask her out. I don't want to be clingy and keep asking her out or seem desperate by asking what's going on. So what do you do?? I'm trying to hold off calling her to create some doubt or mystery. Let her wonder why I haven't called. Trying to "put the shoe on the other foot" and get her to chase ME. People want what they can't have. Hope that helps. If you have any ideas, please let me know.

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Perhaps I am from a somewhat conservative viewpoint, but I liked it when the men called me and planned the date. Now don't get me wrong, I did send a very clear message when I did or didn't want to go out with someone.


I think you should be the one to call her back, but rememeber though, that girls are "nice" and won't be blunt about it if they don't like you. People also have really weird reasons why they become uninterested. My husband said he didn't call women back if he didn't like their nose/chin. So maybe its something crazy/off the wall that she found out about and is laying off. When you are dating, you never really know.


If you've been on a couple of dates, perhaps she is just busy...give her some time....even a week...if it's a good thing, she'll be on her toes waiting for your call...


Good luck.

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i agree with jessica... i hate calling people....maybe she is the same way...give her a few more days then call to say whats up!

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