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one every bluemoon he calls


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I meet this guy in April of 2000 Everything was cool, I liked him he liked me. We were talking almost everyday on the phone, and I would see him on a regular, I would say like the first of June is when we stopped communicating, and talking, now he justs calls out the blue like everythings fine and dandy I can't understand why he continues to call out the blue the way he does, IT really makes me mad, because he'll call and say I'm coming over I want to see you, then he never shoes up, dos'nt call back to say he can't make or anything I've had it with this man. I don't ever want him to come over again . Stay out of my life.

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Well, if he reads this forum and figures out the post is directed to him, you may get some results.


My advice is to inform him next time he calls that you don't appreciate him not keeping his appointments or his word and that's not the kind of person you want in your life. Let him know his conduct is totally unacceptable and you do not want him to call or contact you again under any circumstances.


When you hang up you'll feel a lot better. What a jerk!!!

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