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FWB stood me up!

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:mad: I know a guy, early 30s, through a friend of mine for about 3 years now. He would call me periodically or text just to say "Hi, what's up, what's new?" We were very casual acquaintances. He's always been kind of a player, jokster & can never take him seriously & I never know what to believe with him! He's flaky & has been ever since I first met him. He's not malicious or mean hearted but definitely does his own thing to his own timeline.


We've only fooled around 3 times. Yesterday, early evening, I invited him by my place. We had a nice quick frolic & he ran out, he's always on the go. So I kind of felt like I wanted more sexy time later & I asked when he was getting ff work. He said 3 am. He's told me that before, & I know what he does for a living & it does offer funky hours. But I still never know if I can believe him. Anyway I told him to come by after work. He said really? at 3 am? Then he said ok I will, and Ill call you at 3.


Well 3 came & went & no call no message, nothing. Its now 10:00am & still nothing. Now I really don't care that he's always on the go, or that I never know the real him or any of that. Generally he's always been nice to me & I'm not interested in anything more from him that sex. I'm truly not. I know i'm not a priority & it's ok. However, that said I still think there needs to be a level of respect. I'm not some 2cent ho-bag he picked up off the street. I don't care that he never showed up last night, he could have lied & made an excuse! but the fact that he didn't even give me the courtesy of a call or text!!!! I'm annoyed, hurt, & a lil angry about it. Dont I deserve better even from a FWB?!


So my questions are this: given his naturally flaky personality, am I out of line to be annoyed by his standing me up?


I'm not going to chase him, but when I hear from him again, should I try to find out what his excuse is & let him know that I won't stand for that again? (like fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...)


Should I just tell him now that it wasn't acceptable to treat me like that & then cease having any relationship with him beyond hi how are ya?


Should I just let it go? because usually he's not disrespectful & maybe I am still expecting too much from a fwb situation? I've never experienced this before so I'm a little unsure how to proceed! I just don't want to be a doormat or set a precedence that standing me up is ok.


Thank you for reading!

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Honestly, it is sounding like it is time to let go. When things get to this point, they only tend to spiral downward. Neither of you needs what the other is doing right now. If you back out now, you might salvage what friendship you had but I can tell you this - if you continue in this way there won't be even that left.

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Normally in this situation I would normally have a few back up men. Seriously never put ur eggs in one basket then u'll be layin in a cold nest!

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