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got a question for ya all. today i bought these beautiful outfits for my girl friends birthday. she looks absolutely stunning in them. one suit, one two piece out fit, one shell as they called it, total $800.00 at a store called nordstroms. she looked so beautiful it them all that i would of bought her the whole store if i could of afforded it. she had such a wonderful time trying these things on and to see the look of fun in her face was worth every penny. believe me i can afford it but when the total rang up she about fell on the floor. she insisted that i not buy these things. two of whichwere already being sent off for altering. she has never owned such nice things, i can tell too by her current clothes. she is use to just jeans, sweat, t-shirts and sweaters. to say how happy she looked was nothing compared to the look in her eyes. then the horror at the price, i could see her wanting to cry. i know that she is not use to such nice things and she still feels awful for the price of these clothes and wants to retun at least one outfit so it is not so expensive. she is so upset at the cost though she knows i can afford it and i tell her she is worth every penny of it. how do i talk to her about this? she is feeling so guilty that i do not know what to say now. i am sure part of it is that she does not know how to wear these things, or is not use to these nice clothes. i want to ease her mind about it all but she seems inconsoliable. we have lived together for about three years, so the money is not really the issue here, i think it is something else. anybody?

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So you guys have lived together for 3 years and this is the first time you have spent a lot of money on her?

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i can see why you would think that but no i have spent alot of money on her, the last i paid off her credit card from christmas which she ran up for christmas for $1600.00 with the promise from her that she will not use it but only for gas purchases and an emergency if necessary. i have bought her several things, i spoil her rotten, believe me and each time she has a hard time accepting things from me that are expensive such as these clothes. also the money i gave her for the credit card she was so humbled for it and so desperately needed it that she greatly accepted it, however i could tell it was killing her to do so. maybe pride was involved with the amount of money, but so was need, need to pay off that card. she was making her regular monthly payments on it each month, but they raised her interest rate very high because of the high balance, so she was extremely irate about that, so i helped her out. but yes i do alot for her, and i know she appreciates it very much. she takes very good care of me, our home, and helps me out in so many ways that it is nothing to help her out in return. we both work together to make our relationship strong and happy, so that is why i can never understand her reactions to things i buy her, little or small, she is always so humbled by them.

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Just by her things when she is not around.


In this case, just make a note of the outfits that she liked then come back at another time and buy the outfits. Never tell her what you paid.


Happy Shopping!

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