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Rocky End

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My boyfriend and I have been dating since last March and he moved to a town three hours away in October. During our first six/seven months, things were wonderful and with only minute problems that could be fixed with the slightest ease. We would see each other more but he works long hours, and I am a senior in high school and have a job. Things have been getting rocky lately since it is going to be a great deal of time before I get to see him again and I wish to talk about certain things with him, (I am moving in with him after graduation due to the fact that my college is up there and is close to his apartment and I love him and I would like to be with him) but our conflicting schedules pervent that and towards the end of our distance, we are arguing over petty things, which I do admit to be at my fault because I wish to get the attention from him that, at times, is so hard to get. If anyone has any words of advice, I would deeply appreciate it, bluntness and all.

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