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If you used to be violent as a child, can you kid be aggressive too?


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I've been thinking if this is always the case. Typically if a parent had been violent during his/her childhood then it can go on to their kid. I'm getting concern the more I think about it.


I'm a mother of a 1 year-old boy and hopefully he doesn't turn into a violent school bully like his mother was long ago.


What if he starts being violent (hitting or insulting) towards other kids at school? Would I then be a hypocrite upon explaining how wrong it is? Should I at some point tell him how his mother, along with her two brothers were once a bully?

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a child will learn what he is taught; so if you still act aggresive and violent around your child chances are good that the child will pick the behavior up.


bullying is NOT a genetic thing.


it is not hypocritical to want your child to act properly; remember that saying do as i say, not as i do.

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It's been a while since changing and still regret treating the other kids (more boys than girls) horrible.

I want my son to be the complete opposite to what I was, a productive & caring young man.

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It's been a while since changing and still regret treating the other kids (more boys than girls) horrible.

I want my son to be the complete opposite to what I was, a productive & caring young man.


then you have to be a productive and caring woman and mother.

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