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My ex had a baby with another women

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I need some advice please. I was in a relationship with my childrens father for 11 years. I ended things 2 years ago. I told him that i wanted to be on my own and to move on with his life. He didn't want out but accepted my decison. I had lost about 70 pds at the time i asked him to leave and that more less got to my head and i was getting all type of attention from guys. I partied all the time and treated him very rudely. I never did the club scene cuz of my kids but eventually that got boring and i realize now that i love and want him back. He has agreed to work things out but there is one problem. During the time we were broken up he got another women pregnet. It was so hard for him tell me but i wasnt mad because i chose to end things. It would be differnet if we were a couple and he cheated. He told me and the other woman told me as well he tried to get her to have an abortion but she does believe in it. She has 2 other kids by 2 seperate men. They were a couple. What should i do?

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What do you mean?


Either accept that he has a child or don't. Is he going to be an active father with the child or is he going to be a hands off one? If he's active, it's a package deal, his kid comes with him. If not, I don't see what the big deal is. You weren't together when he got the other woman pregnant, so you don't have a right to be upset.

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I'm with Kevin on this: you either accept the other child, or you don't. I'm not sure if I understand where you're coming from, but my interpretation (pardon if I'm being harsh) is that your ex perhaps has "something to show" for the separation time, but you don't. If that is the case then you ought to reconsider getting back together with him, because I'd say there's still more work you can do within yourself to get to the place you need to be in order to found a relationship with him.


Love does not make a relationship. And be quite prepared to accept that there will be plenty of work to go along with this because rebuilding trust is very difficult, if not impossible.


Best wishes.

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