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3 weeks ago, I met a girl who has a lot in common with me. We went out within a week, had a great time and agreed to see each other again. Unfortunantely, we haven't gone out since.


Over the past two weeks, communication has been good. "Mary" asked me to meet up with her twice, but I was unable to. We talk 2-3 times a week and IM each other. "Mary" is flirtatious with me when we IM and our conversations on the phone last 20-30 min. She keeps dropping hints about places she loves to go (i.e. fav. restaurants, bowling) but no one ever wants to go. Everytime I ask her out she's been busy. (she has 2 weddings she's in)


Yesterday I IM'd her and said "so...when do I get to see you again?" She said "I know It's been a while, but we'll get together soon." I like her, want to at least meet up with her and don't want to seem desperate, but what should I do?


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Well...once you've asked....all you can do is wait on a response. You could try asking one more time....but I'd be prone to wait on her response on the first invite by saying something like she is available NOW for such and such time and date.


Just because a date goes well....doesn't mean the relationship progesses or there is a second date. Don't take it personally. The date scene can be brutal that way. I've went out with great guys and didn't want to see them again and the same vice versa.


Just because you don't float one person's boat though doesn't mean you won't meet another person and rock their world.


That sounded 'punny'....but you know what I mean.

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Stop calling her back, and whatever you do, do not get pushy. Stop calling her, she will call you. You don't want to seem over-eager. And when she starts calling you, you don't need to return every phone call. You have a life too, you know? Never end up being the "needy" type, it's entirely unattractive and women hate it.

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