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Stuff about family


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What I'm about to submit isn't a "help needed" thread. Actually, it is the opposite.

Family problems are stuff that people find very worried and concerned at, and I would like to give out exactly what comes from my mind regarding family concerns.


These are what we call parents: people who made you born, have helped you grow up to expect you to succeed for their own goodness.


There are various types of exquisite parents. The ones that always expect something from you. The ones who want you to obey them. The ones who don't give a **** about you. And the list goes on.


Before going deeper into this thread, I'd like to point out that I'm a 17 year-old guy, I've passed through lots of crap, had friends of mine asking me for advice, so you better watch out if you start judging me for my age.


Parents seem to have passed their years taking it up their butt taking care of you, so they want revenge and they'll beat the crap out of you when you're older, and they'll actually enjoy draining your energy for the sake of themselves.


Probably they are very caring parents. They worked their sweat to build the house you live now and they consider that as everything.

Well, lemme think a bit about this: so they built the house you live in. Bricks which can be destroyed by a single missile or prolonged abandonment, since all the critters will start making their home inside your own house. They don't have as much intelligence as you, but they don't seem to give a damn if you spent 1 week or a lifetime building the family house.

So what do your parents do if they see a critter in the house? "KILL IT, KILL IT!". Poor damn critter, man! Can't you see they were just making their home? If you hate them so much, why the hell did your parents have to build a house on top of the poor critters's habitat?

They aren't the invaders... YOU are the invader!

Why don't you try to build your house somewhere else where critters don't disturb you, and you don't disturb critters? Oh no, you can't. Critters are EVERYWHERE! Sounds like they occupied territory sooner than you. Sucker.


So the same parents see the house as everything for them, since they spent so much time with it.

They're really cool with the babies since they only thing they do is annoying you with their ****TY communication technique, since you didn't have the time to teach them the English language.

Now your kids grow up. They learn to socialize with other kids around, make little friends. They learn the importance of sharing part of them to other kids. Something that your parents didn't actually learn since they spent their life building the house you live in.


Your parents have actually no friends at all! Now they spend their life inside the house they have built and keep all that crap for themselves. Probably the only person your parents have available to talk is YOU.


And you have completely different beliefs, core values, and way to see things. And because you learned that life can be seen through better eyes than your parents' eyes, they now see you as a PROBLEM! You disrupt their beliefs of "respecting", "good education", etc...


Respect and education are achieved, not forced! What the hell is the problem of people who still LOVE their parents who force them to respect them and be well-mannered near them just because they've built a fricking house!


Don't get me wrong here, I appreciate that something is on me covering from bad weather, etc.. but damn it, don't overrate the damn brick construction! It doesn't even talk to you. Are you parents so depressed that they talk with the walls of the house they've built themselves? You can't tell them to go get friends since they're stubborn as hell and won't probably give a **** about you since they give more value to the house than to yourself!

If they give more value to the house itself, why the hell bother having kids at all? Oh, they really thought they were going to have the PERFECT baby. The one who didn't bother you, would obey all the time... **** like that.


Oh **** no! They got it wrong! As soon as the kid started having independent and critical thought, these parents have been ****ING THEMSELVES IN THE ASS! And because they want so!

C'mon, the kid isn't aggressive. He just wants to express the results of his critical thoughts. NOW parents will listen to him like if they were STONES!

Of course there are family problems. And it's all the parents' creation and FAULT for not making him like they wanted him to be.


Excuse us, but now we're getting OPPRESSED just because we're failed experiments? **** off then.


Parents who are over-sensitive, over-expecting and proud of their title as "PARENTS" should come here and suck my dick! Oh wait man, I wouldn't like dirty mouths doing that job.


Pride is something you keep for an achievement, not for when you forget to pull out your dick from Sánchez at the wrong time, when you thought you were having something else such as, lemme remind you, IRRESPONSIBILITY!

We can't be blamed for an accident, bitch! Even if it wasn't, you should have expected less when you, at the moment of wood-chomping, thought that you would be an EXCELLENT PARENT!


Why do they even take the fricking time to take care of us? Shouldn't you be having fun, or well, when it's already too late, throwing your baby to the "Failed Experiment Compartement?" You do well doing that, you know why? Because they can take care of THEMSELVES better than you taking care of your starving vagina!


Now your parents are demanding you to clean your bedroom. You know what? To hell with it. The bedroom is FINE, the parents are ****ED UP!

If you, as a parent, are disappointed at your child's bedroom because it's not as you think it should be, why don't you try to change houses? The bedroom doesn't get dirty by itself, damn it. Oh well, maybe it's because the child is dirty and lazy. Guess what? There isn't even a proper functioning heating boiler! That old **** is as old as the house. Don't you think it's time to change for a better thing?

It's nice to keep things clean and straight.


Not cleaning all the **** you've all done every week! If you step on dog **** and come home with your shoes smelling, you know it's time to clean.

If you ARE careful enough not to step on dog ****, you will avoid weekly torment.

There are more problems though. You open the bedroom's window to air it, but when you get back to it, all you see is dust. I mean, what the hell? Is nature wanting to play russian roulette with me or what?


I know the difference between a bedroom full of posters, books, computer screens and clothes with no dust at all AND some Old Couple style bedroom getting dust all the time 'cause the window is opened. I prefer the bedroom full of posters.


Parents need to think about the **** they're doing. If not, why bother?

Children with independent thoughts probably have already noticed **** on their parents at a young age. And they guess it's not something bright to happen. But they DON'T care.

Why would I also give a **** about what kind of bedroom my parents want? I won't even be here for long enough.


If you happen to be around a family of christian cocksuckers, even worse for you. NOT only they rely on **** for their excuses, they also use GOD as a statement for their own defenses. Can you explain that **** to me, because I don't understand a single phrase of what did this family just said.

These bastards have a hard time dealing with reasoning.

These bastards will phone you all the time whenever they see a problem like you just shouted to your parents and ****. Expect a full time of DEMORALIZATION on the phone. I wouldn't give a ****.


You are right now, in the house of these people. And you get to a point of frustration that you just want to get out from there.

DO IT! You may think that you have nowhere to go, but you're wrong. EVERY place you've never been before is better than that piece of crap at your parents' house.

Don't try to make deals with them. You have your own life, they have theirs. Block their email, phone number, or **** that may return you back to that place.

If you can't hold them, why do you still are with them?

Don't give your thoughts, your power to something different than what you want and love to do.


Now, suppose some parents are really excellent, but their child is someone you'd think of as a bottom-feeder. They aren't excellent anymore.

Now, some parents are really cool, and their child is also cool. Well, congrats then, you're among the very few quite amount of people who know what they're doing.

Blood relationships have VERY LOW chances of growing up a stable connection between child and parents.

Unless you make friends with a really wonderful person from the opposite gender and eventually become commited and turn out to be an excellent family, chances are that blood relationships will SUCK.


You need time and effort for a family. If you spend time and effort on something else other than your family, **** will happen.

Stubbornness needs to be out of it.

Even when you and your girlfriend/boyfriend are thinking on a family, consider that fun among both of you is in the first place. Even before thinking on a family, why don't both of why go travel to different places, cultures, countries for interesting and fun times? For the whole time that diaper holder has been sucking all the money, time, patience, etc... you would have already travelled all the nice places and learned lots of important stuff, kept for the rest of your life.


Now go on your journey, and thank you for listening to me.

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Lol, just wait until you have kids of your own.. :laugh:


One thing you have not factored in - the power of peers. A parent can raise a child and it turn out to be a little bastard due to hanging out with the wrong sort of peers. Who do they hold ensuing battles against?.. the parent/s.


Although it is somewhat normal for kids to dislike their parents, nowadays I think it is taken to a pathological level. I do wonder sometimes if it is all just to make a Facebook status a more interesting read.


Just wait until you have to maintain a job (often which you hate) to pay for a mortgage and you get home and your child doesn't even talk to you! Nope, the few jobs given to them aren't done and they want money for this, that and the other still. Please, like that's going to happen.


Of course there are psycho parents out there (noting the reference made to beating children etc) but due to a sense of entitlement there are some ungrateful little sods who do nothing but complain, rather than doing their job of tidying up their damn bedrooms, bathing and going to school. H'mm.. internet access isn't a right.


I have weathered it all well and my young people are ok and I don't expect praise because I consider it my duty.. but I do feel sorry for a lot of parents who really have tried their best and their kids do nothing but openly ridicule them... then **** off and don't even bother to see them. I have seen this a lot and mainly it is to do with dodgy peers and an ungrateful mindset.


'Children shall rise up against their parents'. Its happening all the time..


Family life is a dangerous thing to get involved in nowadays in my opinion. The external pressures and expectations are too heavy on families. Especially with the market as it is.


What matters I have found, is how we find our way back to each other.


I hope you are able to participate in such a challenge, OP. If not now, maybe one day when things are calmer.


Take care,

Eve x

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You sound like a child. In no way do you sound as mature as you claimed to be.


I don't think a child would take his time to write a 2000 word thread. Again, I don't think he would be as gramatically correct as this thread here shows.

If you don't like my way of talking and speaking (Yes I do speak like that, humoral but not like an *******), then at least try to see it from another perspective.

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Eve, I think the kid is too weak then to give up to the power of peers.

Ever heard of the quote "If you can't beat them, join them?" Well, my quote is "If you can't beat them, arrange a way for them to be beaten."

Teens just want reputation and to show off and they'll do anything for that.

That's crap, of course, but the truth is that.


If I hate my job, what's the reason to maintain it? Isn't there another way to manifest money? Yes there is! I maintain 24/7 income by making music and developing websites, things that I love to do and that I chose to monetize without destroying my integrity. I don't go to a job because someone tells me I have to go. I don't go because I chose so.

We have the freedom to choose (Yet people don't appreciate it).


You are right when you state that families are dangerous nowadays. Parents don't even take the time to take care of themselves, how can they take care of their family?


I have nothing against my parents neither. Their core values and beliefs are just completely different from mine and that makes our connection out of sync. It's just that.

I don't complain about anything at all, but it just seems that I'm being forced to...

There's a thing called unconditional love. It doesn't mean love the way you think of it. It's just that connection between all human beings. You can choose to fortify it, but you can never break it.

While people are all fighting each other because of their differences, there are a few ones taking advantage of that so that they can put their money in the bank.


And the way the market is, that's just a damn thing made up by ourselves to demoralize us even more. It's just in the human mind. All the money going away, not enough money to pay the bills, it's just in the human mind. It's made up. Honestly, if you start not caring about it, you can see that there will be new opportunities surfacing.

I don't care much about the money and I don't give my power to it because it's just numbers. Numbers you can use to buy stuff and services. Nothing else more than that.

And the hilarious thing is that people associate money with survival. They must be kidding, right? No, they're serious. They will become someone's bitch just because of the limiting belief that he will die if he doesn't have money.


I don't have kids you know, but it's not too hard to think how would it be. I don't think raising kids is the worst thing ever and if people change the way their think, it can be fun.

But before that I have my own life. I can't take care of children if I first don't take care of myself.


Here's a way to take care of children: You raise a kid a little bit, then put him in the street corner, and leave him for 1 week. When you come back, if he's still there, you've got yourself a ****ing dumb kid :D


Ok, a little bit of dark humor above, but I hope you realized what I mean. Kids need to learn to take care of themselves, and the rest will be like in auto-pilot.



Edited by Yumisekai
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Look back at your thread in 10 years.


Thats all.


In 10 years I will be able to post even better threads than the one you read. Since I put an effort to something that came up from my pure state of consciousness, it will really be difficult for anything else to change it.


It's at your own expense. I provided the thread.

Either deal with it, or get over with it.

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Eve, I think the kid is too weak then to give up to the power of peers.

Ever heard of the quote "If you can't beat them, join them?" Well, my quote is "If you can't beat them, arrange a way for them to be beaten."

Teens just want reputation and to show off and they'll do anything for that.

That's crap, of course, but the truth is that.


If I hate my job, what's the reason to maintain it? Isn't there another way to manifest money? Yes there is! I maintain 24/7 income by making music and developing websites, things that I love to do and that I chose to monetize without destroying my integrity. I don't go to a job because someone tells me I have to go. I don't go because I chose so.

We have the freedom to choose (Yet people don't appreciate it).


You are right when you state that families are dangerous nowadays. Parents don't even take the time to take care of themselves, how can they take care of their family?


I have nothing against my parents neither. Their core values and beliefs are just completely different from mine and that makes our connection out of sync. It's just that.

I don't complain about anything at all, but it just seems that I'm being forced to...

There's a thing called unconditional love. It doesn't mean love the way you think of it. It's just that connection between all human beings. You can choose to fortify it, but you can never break it.

While people are all fighting each other because of their differences, there are a few ones taking advantage of that so that they can put their money in the bank.


And the way the market is, that's just a damn thing made up by ourselves to demoralize us even more. It's just in the human mind. All the money going away, not enough money to pay the bills, it's just in the human mind. It's made up. Honestly, if you start not caring about it, you can see that there will be new opportunities surfacing.

I don't care much about the money and I don't give my power to it because it's just numbers. Numbers you can use to buy stuff and services. Nothing else more than that.

And the hilarious thing is that people associate money with survival. They must be kidding, right? No, they're serious. They will become someone's bitch just because of the limiting belief that he will die if he doesn't have money.


I don't have kids you know, but it's not too hard to think how would it be. I don't think raising kids is the worst thing ever and if people change the way their think, it can be fun.

But before that I have my own life. I can't take care of children if I first don't take care of myself.


Here's a way to take care of children: You raise a kid a little bit, then put him in the street corner, and leave him for 1 week. When you come back, if he's still there, you've got yourself a ****ing dumb kid :D


Ok, a little bit of dark humor above, but I hope you realized what I mean. Kids need to learn to take care of themselves, and the rest will be like in auto-pilot.




Lol, I get your humour!


I agree with the reputation thing. I have concluded that my older wiser friends who supported me through my teens transition were right. They said that you raise your beautiful child and then lose them when they hit about 14 and get them back when they are in their early twenties.


So, I believe what you say about unconditional love but there is a transition where a child moves away from the parents. I can see in retrospect why this is but it is really scary and the smoothness of this transition can be hindered by external forces and pressures. Being young you will see the optimal choices available at that time and think, 'yeah, just do this, that and the other'. Being in that place is a different matter altogether and many just don't make it. Some fill it with cultural expectations, some with rosey ideas of how a child should behave and so don't support their young person. A good Uncle or Auntie is invaluable at such times.


The not looking after yourself angle is something which has probably an existential angle to it. Often people become so familiar with each other that they relax a bit too much and let themselves go. I have not done this and still get asked for ID at nearly 40 to prove I am over 25. This is rare though and mainly down to good genes/healthy mind. Often parents lose part of themselves within the process of parenting and they find themselves embittered that their kids don't even like them! In my case my daughter felt threatened that her friends fancied me because of how I look.


You just can't win!


So, yeah, one can change a job and do something different. Often many care only that they are able to ensure that this option is available to their children because they lacked support themselves through their transition/****ed things up by being a little sod. I have found that parents often do not tell their children the truth of their own upbringing, or give a highly editted version.


It is GREAT that you have found a way to make money and not be a slave to the system. For many parents they have not been able to do this. I have a similar view of money and my children are not money minded but know how to live. Well done you! I would be very proud of you if I was your mummy.


You do show an enlightened view of life but just know that there is a curve ball you need to watch out for, we all need to really. Please keep your mind open. Approaching parenting with the views you hold in the future could well benefit you and watch out for your nieces and nephews if you get any... they may need your unconditional love if their parents go through a struggle or two.


So, all in all I would say that parenting is a difficult job but well worth it. I ADORE my children but **** me, parts of raising them was not even funny. There are aspects of true grief involved which cannot be described fully. At the base most parents just want to see their young person grow up to be a good person, some mix up themselves into the equation too much and the separation and development of the childs own identity away from the parent gets confused.


.. Most parents just want a nice cup of tea made for them every now and then and a half decent conversation that doesn't involve being asked for money!


Anyhow, the sun is shining and my girls and I are going into town for a day out. Enjoy your day too, young one.


Keep being positive.


Take care,

Eve xx

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