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two men, one town.

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I was with my ex-boyfriend (X) for 7 years; my high school and college sweetheart (first and only boyfriend)- we were eachothers firsts with just about everything.


Then, I had to leave for six months because I was offered temporary job in another state. We wanted to stay together, breaking up was not even an option. So, I went, and about three months into my job, I met another guy (Y), who I fell completely head over heels for: we had so much in common. Both of us very sensitive, artistic, and romantic, which was something (X) was really not. Thus, we started seeing alot of eachother and eventually became intimate after about a month. I did tell (Y) that I had a boyfriend.


I had not told (X) anything about this except that I wanted some space from him. When I told him this, he tried to get closer and wanted to come visit me as soon as he could. So, he came and I told him about (Y); he insisted that I go back with him and quit my job; so I did.


When I got back, I felt resentful towards him and wanted to go back to finish my work, but he did not want me to go back, but after alot of thought, I did go back for purposes of my job.


He decided after I went back that he thought that it would be best if we "took a break" for the remaining time I was there. So, I "got back together" with (Y). After my job was over, (Y) and I agreed we still wanted to see eachother even though we lived in different states. Well, I told (X) that I could not be with him, that I needed room to grow and find myself. We didn't talk for months. I did not want him to know that I had been seeing (Y) still.


(Y) and I have been doing the long-distance thing for about a year now, and I have lost a lot of my friends in the town I live in now because either they are mad at me for what I did and/or I don't want them to know that I am seeing (Y) because I don't want them to tell (X). I don't go out in fear that I will see (X) with another girl.


I started really missing (X); he was so sweet and precious to me. I felt like he was the one I wanted to marry, but I am not ready for that, but I also felt like I had caused too much pain in him and his family/friends to ever go back. I wrote him a letter apologizing for all the hurt, we got together shortly after that to talk. I did not tell him about (Y), but I did tell him that I still loved him and could possibly see myself with him oneday forever, but not now; we left it that we shouldn't wait for eachother.


Since then, I took him out for lunch for his b-day, and we have bumped into eachother a few times around town. Everything has been pretty friendly, but I fear he will ask me if I am dating anyone. The last time I ran into him, he said he wanted to take me out for my birthday.


Well, (Y) is coming up for the week of my birthday, and I am afraid that (X) will ask me to go out when (Y) is in town, and (Y) can get very jealous. Even though it is just as friends. Can anyone suggest a way to go about this? I really do not want to tell (X) about (Y).

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Originally posted by indecisive1


Well, (Y) is coming up for the week of my birthday, and I am afraid that (X) will ask me to go out when (Y) is in town, and (Y) can get very jealous. Even though it is just as friends. Can anyone suggest a way to go about this? I really do not want to tell (X) about (Y).


Is it really just as friends tho? Of course you don't want to tell X about Y. You want your cake and to eat it too.

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"You want your cake and to eat it too."


AKA: B1tch. I hope both of them find hot chicks and dump you for them. Good going with (X) and messing up his life. Congratulations are in order. Rename the title of this thread to "How to screw over a good guy," please.

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