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I want my ex back!

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I have just recently come out of a 5 month relationship with my now ex girlfriend. I used to speak with her all day everyday for about a month before we met and as soon as we did meet I knew this was something special. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, the kindest person I have ever met and Shes so funny. But we jumped into things too quick and we constantly argued for about a month about stupid pathetic things, I suppose I was taking her for granted and consequently she started to not want to be with me anymore. I was heartbroken, this girl means everything to me and I was devastated. I knew I had to distance myself because she needed time so I left her be and eventually she began to

Miss me and we started meeting again, things this time were better than ever and I was so happy. However things were fragile and I had to go on holiday the following week. I had only been away for a week and she started acting funny so I asked her what was up, she said it was a mistake getting back with me and she meant it this time. I was a wreck for the rest of my holiday just crying. She said we'd talk when I get back so I was hopeful however I got back and she is doing everything she can not to see me so I started testing her trying to get her to see me but it ended up in an argument and she tOld me never to speak to her again and to have a nice life. I know I need to get over her but I don't want to, she means everything to me and she wont even talk to. I know if shed see me things would be better and shed miss me but she refuses to see me or talk to me, I want her back so bad it hurts. What should ido? I know she needs space but if I give her too much shell forget me. This sounds pathetic but I want nothing more than to get her bAck, she's perfect and I don't want to move on without her. How could I get her back?

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whew... bro I know the feeling of heartbreak believe me, and it's horrifying. I'm sorry all this had to happen to you man, but you really need to move on from this. Don't be a creepy stalker who pines after a woman that broke his heart and hopes some day she'll come back. OTHER girls can smell that sorry ass act like a cheap cologne from WalMart. So if you want a chance at ever finding another girl you need to man up and start at least pretending that you're over it. Do things with friends, go take a trip somewhere and enjoy the sites, friggin... do something retarded in public, i dunno ANYTHING but dwell on this chick that did you dirty like this.


Man, I'd take you out for a beer and wingman for you, seriously. I hate seeing a guy down in the dumps over a girl that doesn't want him. C'mon tiger. GET OUT THERE!

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Run. No one deserves dissing liek that dude. Youre not pathetic. So you miss her. Feelings change. Dont live always looking back. Futures ahead. Heard of no contact? It can help heaps. Check out the people in the breaking up forum. They got a load of advice.

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