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Day 8 but there was a slip.

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I will start off by saying been reading this board frequently this past week and it has been extreamly informative and helpful.


My emotions are still all over the place I miss him like immensely so when he reached out last night Day 7 NC with a fishing text I did respond. He made a comment about my profile pic I said thank you. He said he had an hour so he thought he'd text. Conversation proceeded to asking how I was, I said it has been hard and I've been missing him and he said its been hard for him as well but he was glad I was still thinking of him (like i'm gonna forget him in a week). He said he still wants to keep in contact just may not be as much. Strange thing happend for me though instead of engaging in more conversation (which pre D-Day I would have talked all night) I told him I was exhausted and heading to bed and said goodnight! He sent our usual ending (between us) which was nice to hear but I did not engage further.


I've realized a few things while I do love him (have for years), I'm not willing to settle for when he can sneak an hour that's not the type of relationship I want with him. I deserve better and I am worth more.


I will keep reading and learning, Thank you OW/OM for posting your experiences it has helped me navigate this post affair process.

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Hang in there Sasha. I anticipate at least one more text/email from him doing the same. I hope that I can be stronger than my feelings.


You/we deserve so much more than what they are willing to give us.


Hugs to you...

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I agree - hang in there. Sounds like a slippery slope! Is this a situation where you are waiting for a divorce to go through before resuming contact? Good luck, and be strong! You definitely deserve more than his scraps of time and attention. I have been there - it's a terrible feeling and blow to your self esteem to be someone's secondary relationship.

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