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How can I deal with my low self asteem issues?


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im a funny person, and can always make a joke out of anything. but no one cares at my school becasue im ugly. i was voted the ugliest kid in the class twice, what do i do then when my personality cant be recognized because i look so bad. About that being blessed thing, i really wish i was dead, not in a bad way, but just so that i could stop enoying everyone trying to talk to them. its not to happy when you are new to a school and you have a bunch of good looking people you dont know staring down to u. sure YAY i have a personality and a very articulant mind WOW. that gets me really far after considering the fact that they wont talk to me because of my looks. what do i do then guys? when my good points are blocked by the shallow-ness of appearance between peers? :o

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i was voted the ugliest kid in the class twice


Amazing what morons people can be :mad:


considering the fact that they wont talk to me because of my looks. what do i do then guys? when my good points are blocked by the shallow-ness of appearance between peers?


What you do is thank your lucky stars that you haven't had the misfortune to befriend any of these shallow jerks. You don't need people like that in your life. Do you have interests or hobbies so you could join clubs? You need to meet people who have hearts and it sounds like there's few in your class. You could try church groups if you attend a church.


I have never longed for the good opinion of people like that - really, they are just not worth your worry or bother.

I know you don't want to see the school counsellor - but that person will know the resources in town and could make some suggestions of places where you might meet more compatible people.

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you dont understand i dont have a chance to show them my personality cause im ugly. what do i do then?

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Building up your self-esteem takes considerable time. It can take between months and years. If you've spend 10 years telling yourself that you're ugly, you can believe it will take about that much time to completely change from thinking negative about yourself to positive. It's an ongoing process every minute of every day. It's not something that can happen immediately. In the beginning you're going to have days when you feel good, and days when you feel like crap. But as time goes by you notice you have more days of feeling good about yourself than days where you don't like yourself.


There are countless ways you can begin to do this. You can go to counseling with someone who specializes in cognitive/behavior therapy. You can read up on self-health books. People have posted excellent ways in which you can overcome your self-esteem, and you shoot each and everyone one of them down. Now one is telling you any different than what a counselor or therapist would tell you. If you noticed, everyone is saying practically the same thing. The reason why is because there is no other way you can overcome low self-esteem aside from the ways that have been given to you on this site. If you want to overcome low self-esteem, you HAVE to go about it the way that everyone has been telling you.


You will never have high self-esteem as long as you're consumed with how people look at you. High self esteem means accepting yourself, the good, the bad and the ugly, and being fine with it. It's understanding that you can change what can be fix, and accept what can't be, even if others don't accept it. It's about not letting other people's opinions of you dictate or rule your life. You are too consume with how others feel about you and how others see you, and you're giving them too much power in your life.


The first step in overcoming low self-esteem is learning to accept yourself. It doesn't mean you have to like everything it about you. It just means you realize flaws are there, and you move on. If you're destine to be depressed, what more can we do for you?

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Look, if they're not willing to look beyond your shell to the wonderful person underneath, then don't bother with them. I don't believe that EVERYONE in your town is dropdeadgorgeous AND superficial a**h***s...if these are the people you are trying to impress then you never will, and good riddance!

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i have no reason to be smiling and yet u guys have replinished the last drop of hope i had of considering life as a positive experience. thankz and i guess being sad and alone isnt so bad. you must go through the darkness in a tunnel to reach the light. maybe i will end up just like my dreams in the future well i dont have a hobby but im going to try a few. thankz bye

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