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after reading a few threads here, i am amazed.


mostly it is nice that people from different sides of the infidelity experience can explore the other side in a respectful manner.


there seem to be some, so jaded, they are nasty to even those on their side of the experience.


in one thread, on poster told a wife (who successfully r with her h) to ditch him due his 2 month affair. that would really be the wife's choice, no? futher, the wife wasn't even looking for advice to end or stay in her marraige. her choice to stay was clear.


same poster, stated ow are never sorry for what they've done. wrong again. yrs ago, i was ow. i felt terrible about (after a while) enough to end it. i still feel bad about it.


i never confessed to bw as i considered for several reasons.


how would this poster know what is in my heart or conscience? plenty of people feel bad for choices of their past they consider wrong. this poster surely hasn't done everything in life perfect. perhaps she either doen't see that, or she doesn't have a conscience over her wrongs. can she only feel what others do to her and not anything she has done along the way?

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Not everybody deals with issues like this in the same way.

If we all felt the same, there would be no point to the forum.


You take it as people deal it, and suck it up.

It's part of the package.


If people are right, or their words resonate - listen to them.

If people are wrong, and their words jar - ignore them.


That simple. :)

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true enough. this was just my disagreeing with posts as the 1 i referred to disagreed with other posts.


on a different forum, there was a bw who didnt want to bee seen as a crazy bitch wife because of her h's affair.


others told her not to care what others thought of what kind of wife she was. i can relate to her mindset. i actually did something i myself frown upon. that's no the whole person that i am. i am sorry about the bw and that i dont believe she ever learned the truth. im sorry for my part.


if its ok for a poster to say an ow is never remorseful, its ok for me to post a different reality.

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