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Describe your ex-girlfriend(boy) in one word

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The board won't let me just enter one word, so blah blah blah - here's the word:



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Delusional. Selfish. Insincere. Cowardly. Quitter.


Crap, can't pick just one....

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selfish, manipulative, trampy, ignorant, borderline, delusional, two faced, quitter, vindictive, easy, the big C word that I won't say on here, inconsiderate, ruthless, adultress, gold digger, and I could go on for awhile. Not sure which one is my favorite.

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confused, because she doesn't know what the hell she wants.

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Of course my late husband was a saint ( seriously the kindest person I ever met)


Ex before him - weak


Ex before HIM - stingy ( in matters of money AND the heart)

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