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Setting of my first post with a little "friend" problem

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Hello ladies and gentlement! Good day to you all, and thanks for allowing me on here to vent my issues anonymously. I have some unique girl problems and I'm trying to get some things sorted out a bit.


So let me give you a little back story on ME first. No I'm not a self centered jerk, I just think it may help a bit to learn how I end up in these predicaments. My avatar is me. We will refer to this as "exhibit A". I'm a personal trainer for weekend income, and kind of a workoutaholic, so I have a decent build and carry myself with an air of confidence (and sometimes arrogance, though I TRY like hell to keep it at bay). I'm educated, talkative, and rather fickle. I'm always the nice guy, and have THE WORST and I really mean THE WORST luck in the history of people ever. So my tales of woe and agony usually fall to the listening ears of women who listen. And it's THIS and other things that I believe has placed me in the soon-to-be-mentioned precarious precipice.


So without further adieu... The problem I'm having is with a long time friend and his wife. Me and my friend's family have gotten along well over the years and I've always conferred my issues and girl problems on my friend's wife, as we're also friends. Now... it seems our conversations have become a bit more.. uhm.. how do I say?... steamy? Yes my friend's wife is trying her best to do me. She's very pretty, rather petite, and always dresses in her sluttiest attire when she knows I'll be around. My friend does get irritated by this, and I know it. I'm not sure about the dynamic here, but it almost seems that he and her are on the verge of having an "open relationship". I won't take that as gospel though... Could be me just wishing I could get in her pants "legally" so to speak.


She wants me to meet up with her late at night when hubby is asleep. I've been dodging the event, obviously but... I can't really get it out of my head.


I've had a bit of a sordid past with married women, I do admit, but this is the first time I've been confronted with my friend's wife. Honestly I'm scared of how that would backfire. BUT... the thought of her... the smell of her... imagining a night with her... I can't get it out of my head!

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Okay first, WHAT IS YOUR diet and work out plan becuase I want it!?!


Ofcourse your gonna want your friends wife more then anyone because thats your friends wife. And thats like a NO NO and you know if you did that with her that it would be so hot becuase its something that shouldnt be done. You know what I am saying? People always want what they can not have. And if you think they are gonna have a "open relationship" I would wait, if you truly value your friends friendship. But whatever happens happens, and everything happens for a reason. But I would say WAIT WAIT WAIT. and if you just dont care do what you want. I prolly didnt help any. And does she know how you feel about her and your wants towards her?

Edited by confusedak
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Okay first, WHAT IS YOUR diet and work out plan becuase I want it!?!


Ofcourse your gonna want your friends wife more then anyone because thats your friends wife. And thats like a NO NO and you know if you did that with her that it would be so hot becuase its something that shouldnt be done. You know what I am saying? People always want what they can not have. And if you think they are gonna have a "open relationship" I would wait, if you truly value your friends friendship. But whatever happens happens, and everything happens for a reason. But I would say WAIT WAIT WAIT. and if you just dont care do what you want. I prolly didnt help any. And does she know how you feel about her and your wants towards her?


Firstly my good friend, my workout and nutrition plan is my workout and nutrition plan... and my clients pay handsomely for it. ;)


Realistically... every portion of every food and every moment of every one of my workouts is strictly planned and executed. Any one of my prior girlfriends would tell you it's rather annoying. lol. If you want to look a certain way... prepare for sacrifices. I weigh my friggin oatmeal on a digital scale for christ's sake... ugh.



ANYway... yeah the forbidden fruit. mmmhmmm. Yeah but.. if I WAIT then I can't have the forbidden fruit, I'll have the "it's ok to have" fruit. And I've had that kind. It's good and all but... I'll bet this fruit is like, juicy and delicious and warm and melts in my mouth like a summer peach in Georgia.


Look, it's not that I don't CARE, its that I don't WANT to care. But I do. I DO want to keep my friend, and I DON'T want to mess up their marriage. I feel guilty every time I talk to the guy because I want to shag his wife.


Her and I have had some very very steamy text messages, and some rather inappropriate talks in the past. Alcohol, especially when you NEVER drink, can be very difficult for the inhibitions of a man.

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I offer the following advice...DONT



Look at your avatar...a less masculine man would have folded under the manipulations of this temptress. The image offered reveals no such limitations on the bearer's behalf. RESIST.


Allow me to play devil's advocate....thebody and the harlot succumb and form the beast with two backs, what then? What of the proverbial morning after...could you face your abs in the full-length mirror without blushing in shame? Not worth it. So not worth it.


Bidding you adieu. Now go do the right thing.




As an aside...oatmeal is high carb.

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I offer the following advice...DONT



Look at your avatar...a less masculine man would have folded under the manipulations of this temptress. The image offered reveals no such limitations on the bearer's behalf. RESIST.


Allow me to play devil's advocate....thebody and the harlot succumb and form the beast with two backs, what then? What of the proverbial morning after...could you face your abs in the full-length mirror without blushing in shame? Not worth it. So not worth it.


Bidding you adieu. Now go do the right thing.




As an aside...oatmeal is high carb.


damn you, thehead, my arch-nemesis! I hate it when I have to THINK and not just DO.


I have been resisting, friend, I have. But it's honestly getting harder to not think about it. I've been the bane of other marriages, I'm not proud to say, but this one I care about. This one has direct consequence. It also has heightened allure and danger...


NOW whether or not I continue is purely up to me, and I knew this from the start, and will probably take no heed to anything said here. I will act as I see fit, be it through impulse or rationale. The situation has not yet arose where I have had to make the final decision whether or not to... continue... as it were.


The RIGHT thing? purely subjective. My views may or may not reflect the views of thehead... I am just a body after all. ;)


And, carbs? Yes... Carbs are OK. Moderate insulin spikes pre and post workout can optimize fat loss and increase muscle gain.

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damn you, thehead, my arch-nemesis! I hate it when I have to THINK and not just DO.



Thought you could simply cut me off and I'd go quietly!





Props for taking "no heed of whats said here". Why be the first.

Godspeed my son er--body. Godspeed.

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Just to kind of add a few new notes to my particular issue here, maybe somebody could actually assist with advice rather than just simply peruse my potential affair. Hopefully I'll get some interaction...


So my question is this, what do you assume the consequences would be if I were to have relations with my friend's wife? Do you think it's at all possible he would come after me with a gun or something equally as violent? I don't think it would be prudent of anybody to get physical with me, and I doubt that would happen. What would you do? Lets say you were married and your significant other goes off and has sex with one of your best friends. Would you freak out? Would you get violent? What if you had kids... would you dismantle your family over it?


Then I offer this little addendum... what if nobody found out?

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I don't think it would be prudent of anybody to get physical with me, and I doubt that would happen.


I'd say that you don't understand that having an impressive six pack has almost no bearing on what happens in a real physical confrontation.

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I don't think it would be prudent of anybody to get physical with me, and I doubt that would happen.


I'd say that you don't understand that having an impressive six pack has almost no bearing on what happens in a real physical confrontation.


I was trained in hand to hand in the military for my particular branch of the service. Friend of mine is a US Marshall so we tend to go at it every once and again to keep up on our reflexes. He's got me on endurance, but I can throw him if I can get a hold of him.


Strength and endurance plays a BIG role in physical confrontation. If you're a sloth and try to pick a fight with a musclebound roid freak, the odds are the strong guy will have him tied up in knots. Why? If you can't produce enough endurance or strength to out-maneuver, over-power, and restrain your target then you cannot feasibly win in a fight.


True a good kick to the nuts will take out anybody, but... are you fast enough to make that happen? You MAY think you are, but ARE you?


Are you trying to pick an internet fight with me?

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No, I do not want to fight with you. I do stand by my comments though. Size and strength are a factor, but if you think that a smaller, normally built guy that knows how to fist fight wouldn't welcome the opportunity to engage you, you are mistaken.

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Guns would make a physical fight a moot point. No way to tell if your friend would go after you with a gun or another weapon, until it's too late.


I've considered what I'd do about -- and to -- a cheating husband and his lover (both imaginary at this point). Let's just say that one of the choices makes an excellent horror story. Does it mean I would do something awful? No. I probably wouldn't. Probably. However, people tell themsleves and others all the time, "I'd never do that!" to a hypothetical example, only to do something they never thought they would when confronted with the real situation. So I'm not going to say I'm above doing horrible things, nor will I suggest that your friend would never get violent toward you if you do get with his wife.


But at least you realize that it's a possibility, whether it has any bearing on your decision or not.


My two cents: continued fantasizing about her is a bad idea, as is the reality of getting with her.

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