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2 Months NC Today!

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Hi all.


I'm doing a little mini-celebration for myself today, I'm officially 2 months NC. With all of the LC and failed NC attempts xMM and I had been through I'm happy that I have made it this far.


The first month was definitely the worst, so many ups and downs, feelings of longing, sadness, the heavy heart.. the second month started rough as well, and I came here for venting, for support, for encouragement, and I got it all. Thank you all so much! :love:


The last two weeks have been my best. The fog is lifting, I'm continuing to find new things I enjoy, and I am making new friends. I went out this weekend with the same person twice (we are getting to know each other, so friends is all I'm wanting) and really enjoyed myself.. xMM did not cross my mind once.


So to all the posters, whether I have interacted with you or not, thank you. The words of encouragement, the insight from another point of view, and even reading the stories of others helped me a lot.


For those struggling with NC, hang in there. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and even though we all get there at different paces it does happen. Read, read, read, educate yourself on 'why', read some more, even if it is other peoples stories, and learn to love yourself. You are not a bad person!


Hugs to all

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congrats jaded. it's only been 2.5 weeks for me but i'm slowly getting there. i cannot wait until i am 2 months in nc. fingers crossed that xmm will leave me alone and i will be fine. i've put in all measures within reason to block him, but if he turns up, then i better be strong enough to tell him to leave me alone.


how long did your A last?

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No experience with marriage or affairs but imglad youre feeling good and moving forward. Lifes too short right? Your man is out enjoying his day why not you? Hang tough.

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fooled once
Hi all.


I'm doing a little mini-celebration for myself today, I'm officially 2 months NC. With all of the LC and failed NC attempts xMM and I had been through I'm happy that I have made it this far.


The first month was definitely the worst, so many ups and downs, feelings of longing, sadness, the heavy heart.. the second month started rough as well, and I came here for venting, for support, for encouragement, and I got it all. Thank you all so much! :love:


The last two weeks have been my best. The fog is lifting, I'm continuing to find new things I enjoy, and I am making new friends. I went out this weekend with the same person twice (we are getting to know each other, so friends is all I'm wanting) and really enjoyed myself.. xMM did not cross my mind once.


So to all the posters, whether I have interacted with you or not, thank you. The words of encouragement, the insight from another point of view, and even reading the stories of others helped me a lot.


For those struggling with NC, hang in there. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and even though we all get there at different paces it does happen. Read, read, read, educate yourself on 'why', read some more, even if it is other peoples stories, and learn to love yourself. You are not a bad person!


Hugs to all


Hey Jaded!


glad you are doing well. The beginning of the end of a R is always the hardest - no matter if it is an A or a M or just dating.


NC is definitely the way to go if someone truly wants to end a situation. Some unfortunately use it as a game, where they want to be chased or "show him what he is missing". You seem to have your head on straight and decided you want better for you.


GOOD for you!!


I wish you continued good luck as you navigate your recovery!!

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Breezy Trousers

I'm so happy for you, Jaded.


I'm reading a book about the nature of pain and how delaying gratification often leads to happiness. (It's not a Christian or religious book, BTW) ... It's ironic that affairs are about not resisting powerful temptations, and they often turn out painful. You continually resisted temptation for 2 months and it turned out to be liberating. You deserve every good feeling! Cheers!

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:bunny:Yay:bunny:, I am so happy for you. Keep thinking positively and continue doing what you have been doing. There is no formula indeed just time and practice. *High five girl*

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