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Think I am scarred from this "friendship"

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I am so past the point of caring. I'm past the point of even wanting anyone. But I am so attached to my friend (as any sane human being would get to an opposite sex friend) that I don't want to get attached to anyone else. I'm the kind of person that needs very little people in my life and can attach to just one person and when I do, I have a hard time attaching to anyone else.


I don't want to date. I don't even want to think about talking to any other guy. I don't want a boyfriend right now, period, even the guy I've been talking to. But I don't want anyone else, either.


Right now I just want to be single. I can't imagine any other guy coming into my life that I'd be able to get this close to and he doesn't even consider us best friends or anything. He's the best friend I've ever had and that's sad saying that, because he doesn't even call me on the phone. The most contact I've ever had with any guy is this guy and it's pretty poor contact. (solely the internet, except on the rare occasions we hang out)


Right now I Just want to move across the country where my best friend who actually does call me on the phone lives. She's the only person I've had phone interaction with in years. She'll text me randomly quite frequently. She KEEPS IN CONTACT. My guy friend does this as well, just with the small problem of he won't call any girl unless she is his girlfriend. Which I respect and find very attractive about him. I just wish he'd also get it through his head that he shouldn't be talking to girls on the internet that aren't his girlfriend as well.


Anyway. I wanna move. I want to leave this state. I feel like it's the only way I'll be able to get over him. That's not even true. I don't feel like I'll ever get over him. The guys that are interested in me, or have been interested me in the past, I am not interested in. I don't feel like anyone could ever take his place. I don't want him right now, I don't want anyone right now, but I don't want anyone else for the future. I feel like just locking myself up in a room and never meeting any other guy ever again.


the longer I talk to him, the more attached I'm going to get, but I refuse to not talk to him. I don't have it in me, because if I do stop talking to him, then I'll be talking to 0 guys. I don't have not one friend in the world that's male other than him. Guys simply flat out ignore me.


He's taken the time to get to know me and has remained my friend after getting to know me. I guess that's why I'm so smitten.


I don't know what I'm gonna do. I feel like no other guy that I want to get to know will ever want to get to know me in the future, because right now the only person of the opposite sex I care to know are family and this ONE guy.

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You know what to do? Date other men and let him know about it. That way he'll be jealous and want to be with you. You'll get free things too by leading these men on.


Already did that last semester. Went out with this other guy in the same class 'cause basically, he wouldn't shut up and leave me alone. I never liked him like that and still don't. I told the guy I do like about it, though. I'm still just a friend.

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