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It's right here in these forums! Lots of mean and angry people. You can't even politely post your opinions without getting slammed by the bitter and ignorant people who don't like what you have to say.


Hmmm I thought there was supposed to be a code of conduct here! I see it is never enforced.

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It's a good place to practice new ways to deal with abuse. I've found it very helpful in that regard.

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It's right here in these forums! Lots of mean and angry people. You can't even politely post your opinions without getting slammed by the bitter and ignorant people who don't like what you have to say.


Hmmm I thought there was supposed to be a code of conduct here! I see it is never enforced.



We only have to click on your posting history and read the first few posts to figure out that the pot is calling the kettle black!!


Nice try though...

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We only have to click on your posting history and read the first few posts to figure out that the pot is calling the kettle black!!


Nice try though...



hahahah.....good one.


None of us have any control over others,only our reactions to them.


Be the change you want to see in the world.

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There is a member who frequently snaps, gets aggressive and does not hear me through before s/he wants to figuratively rip my head off and **** down my neck. Any thread I see this individual's posts in are to be avoided at all costs. It is like being at school again and having to dodge the bullies.


Sometimes I think s/he finds a soft target or someone who appears 'dumb' and s/he latches on with razor sharp bitter wit and goes out of their way to invalidate anything I have to say. :mad:


I am human and fragile. I came to this site because I thought it was a safe place to vent and seek opinions and advice. After a few encounters with this person, I took a break to avoid them. It felt like they were following me.


Get them off this forum, please!!!!!!!:rolleyes:

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