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The Guy at Work.

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I work in a non-formal place, the food industry, so let's get that setting down.


Anyway, I recently broke up with my long term bf and now I'm feeling so lonely and depressed I don't know what to do.

I've been working at this place for a year or so, and I work with mostly men. All very friendly and such, but sometimes I get the feeling that one of my coworkers likes me. Other co-workers and even my boss has dropped hints at this, saying things along the line of "Well there's a perfectly good guy working here that would date you," (even though when that was said I was most definitely in a relationship at that time)

The guy himself even drop very very small, cute hints, nothing unprofessional. It's cute, harmless flirting sometimes.




I realized that I wanted something else in the previous relationship that I was in so I ended it. Now that I realize I have this to deal with (not that it's a bad thing, or is it?!) I don't know what to do.


Guy at Work and I's communications outside of work generally is limited Facebook chat and texts, nothing too detailed and deep outside of exchanging jokes or youtube videos.


What this whole post is about is why hasn't this guy necessarily made a move? I mean, I know I am not ready to date, but I would be nice to get a text or so, something, especially since the days after I broke up with my bf, he was trying to make sure I was okay and was flirting more than usual.


Am I wrong for wondering all this? Dear God :o I just feel so alone :(

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Ross MwcFan

He might be waiting for you to make a move or for you to show that you are actually attracted to him.

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