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Why do I keep sabatoging myself with this weight loss issue?

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Never had a weight problem, although I confess, I was a junk food junkie, just exercised and stayed fit. When I got pregnant gained weight instantly, lost baby after 3 1/2 mos, then got pregnant again and delivered a healthy baby........now over 3 years later, still haven't lost the baby weight, but what stresses me out even more, I've gained some weight in the past few months. Like a vicious cycle.......stress, weight-gain, weight-gain, stress.


I've tried journaling, diets, I'm just so stressed out about this......I can't figure out why I keep sabotaging myself.......this is the only area in my life that is reeling out of control. Forgive me for venting, this is the first time I ever posted about this.......I'm at wits end.

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so you eat when you are stressed? or sad, or happy or alone, or.......


stop buying the junk to eat. Start to control this to. but do not go overboard!

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i've had two miscarriages thus far that caused weight fluctuations, i totally sympathize. my natral weight is slim, but baby weight is brutal to the body.


what worked for me was utter, die-hard, discipline. preg or not, i am never allowed to eat crap again, including choclate, msg., fried foods, or any kind of chips. begin to think of it as food that weak people need, not you.

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Originally posted by jenny

i've had two miscarriages thus far that caused weight fluctuations, i totally sympathize. my natral weight is slim, but baby weight is brutal to the body.


what worked for me was utter, die-hard, discipline. preg or not, i am never allowed to eat crap again, including choclate, msg., fried foods, or any kind of chips. begin to think of it as food that weak people need, not you.



Until you develope an eating disorder which F*cks you up worse than the 50 extra pounds you were trying to rid of.

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I've gotten better with the junk food eating, but there is food in the house for husband and kids (husband is thin as a rail, like I used to be 30lbs ago)......and yes, sometimes when alone, or stressed, or angry or upset, I"ll eat and can't control myself. Or my husband will say lets go out to dinner or have a drink, not that I can't say no, because I can, but then he'll say things like "Oh, I can't have fun because you're on a diet......", so I give in and figure I'll worry about the diet the next day, and so on and so forth. I don't know why I can't be stronger with this. My husband and I always used to go out, but since I've had the baby, my metabolism changed and I can't go out like that anymore and maintain a normal weight, and he can't give up the lifestyle of eating out/having cocktail etc.

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I know how you feel, I have similar experience.


Keep exercising or start again if you stopped - usually when I am exercising regularly I'm less likely to eat stuff I shouldn't - seems counterproductive.


Try to lay off the junk food totally, if you can do it for a few weeks and make it a habit, it gets easier.


Don't beat yourself up - do something nice like paint your nails, put makeup on, read a magazine, call a friend for a nice chat, enjoy a hobby instead of eating. Make yourself feel better in other ways besides with food.


I'll do it if you'll do it!

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i have definitely done anorexia, constantly, nevermind 50 pounds, 10 pounds is crippling enough. the 'better dead than ugly' is fine for wild single life, but not for real married domestic life. not for me, anymore.


check out local programs that support you. it sounds to me like you need IRL friends to help you prioritize this as goal.

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I know how you feel too, I had similar experience when I found after babies that my metabolism never went back to norm..


What then happened was I got so very nervous ..so many issues compounded.. and affected me with hives.. horrifically.. and I was put on steroids for hives.. I'm 48 and this was way back before they came out with Claritin.. now I really gained weight.. twice that of my pregnancy.. talk about ravenous? I had to eat a BIG dinner before dinner with others to maintain my cool.. I was so out of control.. ....


I was ravenous for real food and any junk food on top of that slow metabolism.. it created a body from HELL... ... Once that ravenous beast in us knows HOW to get that food, it WILL... I was HUMONGUS to say the least.. hiding from people who knew me earlier on if I saw them at a mall.. what a mess .. it's been a life of struggling.. UNTIL ONE BEAUTIFUL DAY... I did the Atkins (my way) and lost ALL the weight..


I went down to a size 3.. and still there.. and to this day, IF I stop getting on the scale, stop exercising, the numbers go UP.. and they don't stop and go in reverse on their own.. I go BACK to what I do best.. my Atkins.. my exercising (swim and power walking) and if I stopped and saw numbers I'd hope to never see again, I'd say to myself... what kind of day is this going to be rose? And so if a bad day or days happened.. I just outnumbered them tenfold next round with being so very good... ...


I can tell you so many tricks.. I can help you if you email me.. I lost a LOT of weight ..and was never annorexic... or bullemic.. I love food in fact.. Just need to know there are CHOICES to be made .. it starts when you get in the car ...do you go to the grocery store or somewhere to eat where there's those awful desert menus.. Then once in the grocery store, what aisles do you go down... I can't go down certain aisles..


It is the WORST thing in the world to try to lay off the junk food while there is a skinny person loving life with it in your house... I'm always finding ways to psyche myself into what I call pseudo junk food... in other words.. I make fake-foods I LOVE!!!!!!! ..like these great sugar fritters... that have ZERO carb.. 1.5 grams of fat ... damn, I CAN overload on that stuff.. and love life.. all because I found something BETTER than Fritos that has near zero calories.


I spend hours in the stores.. looking for what I could eat that has low carb and low fat in the SAME meal with a somewhat watchful eye on sodium.... .. So when the skinny people reach for their stuff, I reach for mine... At restaurants, I wear something tight around my waist to REMIND me of that fine line between sizes.. I'll help you if you write to me personally... but keep in mind.. to do it ..if you'll both do it.. is fun.. but excercise and food choices ... it's for LIFE... not just for a segment of time.. write me if you care to know more.. I love helping people!

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Thanks everyone for some good ideas and insight....I know this is something deep down that I can't get past..........believe me, for me to have a problem with my weight is soooooo not me......yet, for someone like me who is always so in control of everything to be out of control is soooooo not me either........it's something I have to figure out. I know what I have to do.......but get those moments of sabatoge and powerlessness and blow everything ........I actually have been walking my dog the last few days since the weather has gotten nicer and it feels good to get out by myself with no kids, no one but my dog .......yet I used to be a marathoner.......so even to walk for 45 mins compared to what I used to do is nothing....it's like the old me is hiding somewhere........how could I go from running 20+ miles (a clip) to walking 45 minutes and having trouble finding time to do even that......it's hard to explain, but I hope I've articulated it somewhat. Alot of my healthier lifestyle was when I was single....the pressure of marriage, kids etc.......it's like I have no time for me anymore.

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