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Does this girl just want to be friends or more?

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hello how is everyone doing? Im good myself, i just registered here so I really need some help on this one...


Allright, here is my story..it all began when myself and this girl met online. We talked for a bit and then we eventually started calling each other, maybe once or twice a day. Bear in mind that each converstaion was an hour or so long. We are both in the army and she told me she was going to be stationed here in like a week so I was really happy about that! Well, a week passed then I eventually met her, we got something to eat and she came over to my place for about 2 hours. SInce being in the military, we have alot of things in common on what we've been through and our experiences we have had. So when i dropped her off at her place, we said bye and we gave each other a hug.


The next day I talked to her on the phone for about and hour and I didnt see her. Today I surprised her by just popping up unannounced and we eventually we got something to eat and she came back and hung out at my place for another hour. Then later she was planning to go drive about 2 hours to be with friends she has known since high school and she had just drove down their not too long ago.


Well this is where Im in a bind at....Im not sure if she wants to be more than friends or not. I can recognize a couple signs that Ive seen if a girl like you or not and she has done that to me. Well the thing is she has more guy friends than girls and its hard to tell if she wants me as a friend or more. I would try and do something to see if there is something more there, but she just got here about 2 days ago and I dont want to come on too strong and scare her away so for now Im acting buddy, buddy with her even though I dont want to act like that. Plus Im not sure if she is wanting a boyfriend or not at this moment.


What do you all think I should do? Should I just come up to her and just ask some questions on what she thinks or should I just leave her be for awile and see if anything pops up betweeen now and then. If I could get any feedback I would greatly appreciate it!! Again I dont want to sound too desperate to be more than friends but its hard not saying or doing anything. but if you all think I should do it than hey...ill do it

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When your with her next time, make a move. Go for the parting kiss instead of the hug. Especially easy to get things going when your already comfortable enough to be spending hours at each others place. If she backs off, move on because she's a tease and you shouldn't waste your time with someone who isn't interested. And if she says she's not ready, that's womanspeak for not interested. At this point going for a kiss is not coming on too strong. If you keep doing what your doing, she might get the impression that YOUR not interested. Time to move this thing along quickly or you'll just another one of her many guy friends.

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Good advice from Regulus, except if it were I in your shoes, I would probably test the waters a bit first with some words. Like, "You're so attractive...I love spending time with you..." etc. Kind of mushy but not laying your heart totally bare. If she responds in an equally or more goopy way, then kiss her. If she tightens up and starts acting frosty, well then...don't kiss her.


And whatever happens, do keep in mind that being attracted to a woman does not make you pitiful and desperate. If you show your interest and she declines, don't act like you got a bayonet in the heart and stagger off to fall face first in the snow and bleed to death.

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