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Does my boyfriend have Gay tendencies?

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I have been dating my boyfriend for 9 months now. We get along amazing, most of the time. There are a few concerns i have however that cannot be denied. It is hard to know where to start! A number of my friends have said that if I wasn't dating him they would think he was gay. He gets hit on all the time by gay men and it never phases him. The people he works with had a rumour going around he was gay until I showed up one day and they were a bit surprised he had a girlfriend. To top it all off he just recently told me is going to start working at a different location then where he currently works, into a gay neighbourhood because his boss thinks he would be good eye candy, gives off the right vibe and bring in customers (other gay men) He says he is straight as they come and that he is just very self confident and comfortable in his sexuality and that it doesn't weird him out that gay guys will be flirting with him all day long.


We have a great sex life and he loves all the things associated with straight sex. But there is just some bad gut feeling I can't shake. I'm confused and could use some advice?

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He deserves to be with someone who doesn't believe grapevine slander for no reason. If your sex life is healthy, you get along amaizing, and he makes you certain that he's loving the straight sex--why do you care if he's gay?

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He says he is straight as they come and that he is just very self confident and comfortable in his sexuality and that it doesn't weird him out that gay guys will be flirting with him all day long.


That's all I needed to see.


Why don't you believe him? Hell, I'm the same way. I'm VERY comfortable in my sexuality, and it would never weird me out for gay guys to hit on me, it's happened before.


Just because he's not the kind of guy to shout out, "F*CKING FAGGOTS" and stick out his chest like a football player frat boy doesn't mean he's gay.


Believe him. That's my advice.

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