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I had a wonderful day today.

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My day started off with my b/f going to work and myself having a day off with nothing special to do. Much to my surprise about an 1 1/2 hours later the bf comes home and says that he has the day off b/c the job that he was to do was cancelled. He had a choice to either do a different job and have tommorrow off or take today off and work tommorrow. Since I had today off and work tommorrow he told his supervisor that he will see him tommorrow he's going home. :D


This may sound pretty boring to most of you but we don't get much time off together, the last day off together was March 1. We went shopping, went for a bike ride, did some yard work, went over and visited the neighbour ended up having a few (to many) glasses of wine, came home and had a delicious BBQ steak that my honey made. Yummy my favorite.


Like I said this may sound like a typical day off for most of you but for us it was very special b/c we could actually have time to do something together. No need to reply I just wanted to share my special day. :D

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I used to work days on end.....and TOTALLY UNDERSTAND how much 'free time' is appreciated.


One time last summer....I worked for 21 days in a row (lucky for me....the kids CAN visit me on base during lunch and breaks during the day).....but I finally got 2 days off and we rented a hotel room down the road from our house right on the beach... just so we felt like we were on vacation somewhere. It was GLORIOUS!


Time with the people you love...is always special!!!!

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